Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale

Observatory for Digital Innovation in Heritage and Culture

About the project

Observatory for Digital Innovation in Heritage and Culture studies the impact of digital innovation on the broad field of cultural heritage by actively involving cultural institutions in the definition and management of the research activity.

Principal Investigators:  Deborah Agostino; Michela Arnaboldi; Eleonora Lorenzini

Researcher team: Deborah Agostino; Michela Arnaboldi; Eleonora Lorenzini; Ilaria Galli; Camilla Marini; Melisa Diaz

Funders: Public and Private Institutions; patronage by the Ministero dei Beni e Attività Culturali

Duration: 2015 – ongoing


The aim of the Observatory for Digital Innovation in Heritage & Culture is to study and analyse the challenges and opportunities that digital innovation brings to the sector of cultural heritage. This objective is pursued along three main lines:

  • Research. The primary pillar of the Observatory is to investigate the role of digital innovation in cultural institutions, by focusing on how cultural heritage is enhanced, managed, promoted and marketed. A variety of research methodologies are adopted ranging from surveys, case studies, web research and action research. The main investigated topics comprise:
    – The diffusion of digital innovation in museums
    – The level of digital readiness in cultural institutions
    – The online reputation of museums
    – The management of the digital transformation in cultural institutions
  •  Community. The Observatory establishes a constructive dialogue between cultural institutions, technological providers and policy maker, to share common problems and best practices. The construction of the community is achieved through periodical workshops between the parties.
  • Communication. The Observatory constantly communicates the main insights derived from research through practitioners reports, its social media page and its website.


  • Agostino, D.; Arnaboldi, M.; Lorenzini, E. (2018), Quando la tecnologia digitale da sola non è sufficiente: verso la roadmap per l’innovazione digitale in  Impresa Cultura – 14 Rapporto Annuale Federculture pp. 309-316; Sangemi Editore.

Practitioners’ reports

  • Report Osservatorio (2017). Beni e attività culturali: la roadmap per l’innovazione digitale
  • Report Osservatorio (2016). Beni e attività Culturali: l’alba del rinascimento digitale
  • Report Osservatorio (2016). L’innovazione digitale nei musei italiani. Studi di caso
  • Report Osservatorio (2016). I musei visti dal web Report Osservatorio (2016). Le start up turismo e arte