Antonella Maria Moretto

Core Faculty | Associate Professor

Short Profile outline

Associate Dean for Open Programs POLIMI GSOM

Antonella Moretto is Associate Professor at the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano, with abilitation as Full Professor since July 2021. She teaches Supplier Relationship Management and Collaborative Innovation for Sustainability and Impact at the MSc of Management Engineering and she is part of the core faculty of the Polimi Graduate School of Management in the area of Purchasing and Supply Management. At the Polimi GSOM, she is the Associate Dean for Open Programs. At the DIG, she is co-Director of the Observatory Supply Chain Finance of Politecnico di Milano. Since 2016, she is executive committee member of Ipsera. She is also member of EurOMA and of AiIG .


PHD: Management Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Master of Science: Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Academic course held at SOM

Purchasing and Supply Management

Supplier Relationship Management Lab

Collaborative Innovation For Sustainability And Impact

Supplier Relationship Management Lab

Collaborative Innovation For Sustainability And Impact

Supplier Relationship Management Lab

Supplier Relationship Management Lab

Supplier relationship management lab

Supplier relationship management lab

Supplier relationship management lab

Project management



Specializing Masters

Executive Education



Specializing masters


Antonella Moretto's main research activities are related to purchasing and supply management, supply chain finance, and sustainable supply chain management in global markets. Over the years, she mainly focused on 2 key industries: food and fashion luxury industries. On these topics she published several papers in peer- reviewed international journals and presented the papers in international recognised conferences

Relevant Publications

Patrucco A. Moretto A. Trabucchi D. Golini R., "How Do Industry 4.0 Technologies Boost Collaborations in Buyer-Supplier Relationships?", Research Technology Management, 65, 48-58

Ronchini A. Moretto A. Caniato F., "A decision framework for inventory- and equipment-based supply chain finance solutions", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 27, 100712

Moretto A. Caniato F., "Can Supply Chain Finance help mitigate the financial disruption brought by Covid-19?", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 27, 100713

Guida M. Moretto A. Caniato F., "How to select a Supply Chain Finance solution?", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 27, 100701

Patrucco A.S. Moretto A. Knight L., "Does relationship control hinder relationship commitment? The role of supplier performance measurement systems in construction infrastructure projects", International Journal of Production Economics, 233, 108000

Chen L. Moretto A. Jia F. Caniato F. Xiong Y., "The role of digital transformation to empower supply chain finance: current research status and future research directions (Guest editorial)", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 41, 277-288

León Bravo V. Moretto A. Caniato F., "A roadmap for sustainability assessment in the food supply chain", British Food Journal, 123, 199-220

de Goeij C.| Gelsomino L.M.| Caniato F.| Moretto A.M.| Steeman M. (2020), "Understanding SME suppliers' response to supply chain finance: a transaction cost economics perspective", International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 51, 813-836

Orzes G.| Moretto A.M.| Moro M.| Rossi M.| Sartor M.| Caniato F.| Nassimbeni G. (2020), "The impact of the United Nations global compact on firm performance: A longitudinal analysis", International Journal of Production Economics, 227

Patrucco A.S.| Moretto A.| Luzzini D.| Glas A.H. (2020), "Obtaining supplier commitment: antecedents and performance outcomes", International Journal of Production Economics, 220

Moretto A.| Patrucco A.S.| Harland C.M. (2020), "The dynamics of reshoring decisions and the role of purchasing", International Journal of Production Research, 58, 5929-5944

Moretto A.| Patrucco A.S.| Walker H.| Ronchi S. (2020), "Procurement organisation in project-based setting: a multiple case study of engineer-to-order companies", Production Planning and Control

Trabucchi D.I Moretto A.I Buganza T.I MacCormack A., "Disrupting the Disruptors or Enhancing Them? How Blockchain Reshapes Two-Sided Platforms", Journal of Product Innovation Management, 37, 552-574

Macchion L. Moretto A. Caniato F. Danese P. Vinelli A., "Static supply chain complexity and sustainability practices: A multitier examination", Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27, 2679-2691

Moretto A.| Grassi L.| Caniato F.| Giorgino M.| Ronchi S., "Supply chain finance: From traditional to supply chain credit rating", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 25, 197-217

León-Bravo V.| Moretto A.| Cagliano R.| Caniato F., "Innovation for sustainable development in the food industry: Retro and forward-looking innovation approaches to improve quality and healthiness", Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26, 1049-1062

Moretto A.| Patrucco A.S.| Harland C.M., "The dynamics of reshoring decisions and the role of purchasing", International Journal of Production Research

Patrucco A.S.| Moretto A.| Ronchi S.| Luzzini D., "Organisational choices in public procurement: what can public management learn from the private sector?", Local Government Studies, 45, 977-1000

Patrucco A.S.| Luzzini D.| Moretto A.| Ronchi S., "Attraction in buyer–supplier relationships: Improving supply network performance through purchasing recognition and proficient collaboration initiatives", Business Process Management Journal, 25, 347-367

Orzes G.| Moretto A.M.| Ebrahimpour M.| Sartor M.| Moro M.| Rossi M., "United Nations Global Compact: Literature review and theory-based research agenda", Journal of Cleaner Production, 177, 633-654

Moretto A.| Macchion L.| Lion A.| Caniato F.| Danese P.| Vinelli A., "Designing a roadmap towards a sustainable supply chain: A focus on the fashion industry", Journal of Cleaner Production, 193, 169-184

Moretto A.| Pero M., "Ametista", The Italian Model of Management: A Selection of Case Studies, 120-144

Macchion Laura;Moretto Antonella;Caniato Federico F. A.;Caridi Maria;Danese Pamela;Spina Gianluca;Vinelli Andrea, "Improving innovation performance through environmental practices in the fashion industry: the moderating effect of internationalisation and the influence of collaboration", PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, 28, 190-201

Golini Ruggero;Moretto Antonella;Caniato Federico F. A.;Caridi Maria;Kalchschmidt Matteo, "Developing sustainability in the Italian meat supply chain: an empirical investigation", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 55, 1183-1209

Pero Margherita;Moretto Antonella;Bottani Eleonora;Bigliardi Barbara, "Environmental Collaboration for Sustainability in the Construction Industry: An Exploratory Study in Italy", SUSTAINABILITY, 9, 125-149

Macchion Laura;Moretto Antonella;Caniato Federico F. A.;Caridi Maria;Danese Pamela;Vinelli Andrea, "International e-commerce for fashion products: what is the relationship with performance?", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT, 45, 1011-1031

Moretto Antonella;Ronchi Stefano;Patrucco Andrea S., "Increasing the effectiveness of procurement decisions: The value of big data in the procurement process", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF TECHNOLOGIES: RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, 8, 79-103

Macchion Laura;Moretto Antonella;Caniato Federico F. A.;Caridi Maria;Danese Pamela;Vinelli Andrea, "Production and supply network strategies within the fashion industry", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 163, 173-188

Caniato Federico F. A.;Caridi Maria;Moretto Antonella;Sianesi Andrea;Spina Gianluca, "Integrating international fashion retail into new product development", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 147, 294-306

Luzzini Davide;Longoni Annachiara;Moretto Antonella;Caniato Federico F. A.;Brun Alessandro, "Organizing IT purchases: Evidence from a global study", JOURNAL OF PURCHASING & SUPPLY MANAGEMENT, 20, 143-155

Caridi Maria;Moretto Antonella;Perego Alessandro;Tumino Angela, "The benefits of supply chain visibility: A value assessment model", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 151, 1-19

Caniato Federico F. A.;Caridi Maria;Moretto Antonella, "Dynamic capabilities for fashion-luxury supply chain innovation", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT, 41, 940-960

Grants, Awards and Honours

  • Best Paper Award for the paper “Corporate Rating based on Supply Chain Creditworthiness”, winner of the Best Paper Award - European DSI Conference, 2018 , 05/06/2018 - to date

Service to the community

  • Vice Director of Division of MBA&EMBA at MIP, 15/10/2018 - 31/12/2019
  • Programme Director of Evening Executive MBA, 30/06/2017 - 31/12/2019
  • Programme Director of Part Time Executive MBA, 30/06/2017 - 31/12/2019
  • Programme Director IMLUX at MIP, 01/12/2012 - 01/09/2013
  • Associate Dean for Open Programs, 01/01/2020 - to date
  • International peer-review journal referee for Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management; International Journal of Operations and Production Management; Supply Chain Management: An International Journal; International Journal of Production Economics; International Journal of Production Research; Production Planning & Control; Journal of Cleaner Production; International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management; Operations Management Research; Sustainability

Accreditations, Rankings & Memberships
