Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale


PhD Programme in Management Engineering

The PhD programme in Management Engineering (DRIG) offers an advanced education together with the opportunity of carrying out research work in the fields of management, economics and industrial engineering.

The programme ensures that candidates build up a solid methodological background, allowing them to develop their multidisciplinary knowledge, an open minded approach to research and the ability to address problems in an innovative way, while combining different perspectives and approaches.

The Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering’s commitment to research and its scientific collaborations with other institutions provide candidates with an ideal environment in which to pursue research in their personal fields of interest within a broad spectrum of different topics.

Call 40° cycle
Start: September/November 2024
Deadline: 1st July 2024

In order to get more information and support, we invite you to fill the following enquiry form, specifying the PhD programme of interest.

Location: Milan

Language: English

Format: Full Time/Part Time

Duration: 3 to 4 years depending on the Programme


  • Annual call: May
  • Additional calls for applications: see the section “How to apply” and the link here

Required degree: University Master of Science degree (or equivalent)

Email: phd-ges@polimi.it


This video brings the voice of PhD candidates, DRIG alumni, and external stakeholders giving an insight into the PhD experience and useful suggestions for future PhD candidates. It helps to understand what is the PhD programme in Management Engineering and why to consider this path in one’s career and competence development.


What is a PhD and Why doing the PhD programme

This video provides a presentation by our Programme coordinator, aimed to introduce the role of the Ph.D as a higher educational level and to provide useful information about the structure and opportunities of the Ph.D programme in Management Engineering.


To be admitted to the PhD programme, students must hold a University Master of Science degree (or equivalent). The most relevant background university studies are those in the fields of economics, management, and industrial engineering.
However, students who hold degrees in other technical and scientific disciplines or in social sciences may also be admitted to the programme.

The online application opens once a year around mid-April for the full time format (Annual Call); application and eligibility check are permanent for the executive format.

Application period

The PhD academic year starts at the beginning of November.

The application period for each new PhD cycle starts with the Annual call, running from mid-May to June.

After the annual call, there may be some Additional Calls for PhD places with scholarships linked to specific research topics. Candidates who apply to these additional calls will be enrolled to the ongoing PhD cycle.

Knowledge of English is required; to this end, applicants are required to submit one of the certificates listed here (Admission Criteria)  no later than end of October, if not already submitted at the closing date of the call.
Failure to submit certificates within the established closing date for enrolment irrevocably results in the loss of the right to enrolment. Certifications are valid regardless of the date when they were awarded.

Citizens of Countries in which English is an official language are not required to certify their knowledge of English; the same applies to applicants who have been awarded or will be awarded academic qualifications by an institute in which all teaching activity is carried out in English.

These applicants must attach official documents to their application; in particular, where all courses are carried out in English, this needs to be certified by the corresponding academic institute.

To be admitted to the Doctorate Programme in Management Engineering (DRIG) applicants must apply through a competitive selection process.

Admission to the PhD programme is limited to a predetermined number of candidates according to the scholarships available in the programme. This ensures the optimal development of each candidate while enriching the group’s learning and investigation process.

The candidature may apply to different types of scholarship classified as:

Generic Scholarship (Annual Call)

  • Elective Research in Management Engineering
  • Oriented Research in Management Engineering
  • Thematic Scholarship, also including interdisciplinary scholarships (Additional Calls).

Check the page Calls and Regulations – Dottorati di Ricerca (polimi.it) to read further details and apply.

For futher information please visit the PhD School website.

For further information about scholarships, please visit the following page.
Check the “open calls” section and look at the available scholarships in Management Engineering.


The PhD programme can be full time or part time, depending on the typology of tracks:

  • General track (full-time): 3 years;
  • Executive track: 4 years. For more information click here.
  • International Agreements and Double PhD: 3/4 years. For more information click here.

The programme is built on three main pillars:

  • Development of the doctoral thesis. The thesis is the hallmark of the Ph.D. programme. It allows students to develop leading-edge research competencies and to produce an original scientific contribution on a topic relevant for academics and practitioners.
  • Main courses on research methodologies and leading-edge topics in management, economics and industrial engineering.
  • Elective training activities. Students can customize their study plan depending on their research interests. The aim is to develop students’ scientific knowledge on specific topics and to expose them to the international scientific community by attending Ph.D. schools or workshops and presenting their research at international conferences.

Ph.D. candidates fulfil their research and training requirements under the supervision of scholars who are experts in their research fields.

At the following link you can find the research lines.

The Ph.D. thesis (125 ECTS) is an original contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the candidate’s research field.
The research will be supervised by members of the doctoral faculty, who will provide guidance to the candidate in setting out and arranging the everyday activities involved in the thesis development.
The thesis can be edited in the form of a monograph or a collection of papers.

At the end of each year, candidates will present the progress of the research project in front of a committee and will discuss it with a Discussant from the PhD Faculty. This is a fundamental step to advance from one year to the next.

At the conclusion of the PhD studies, the Faculty Board evaluates the candidates. Candidates who receive a positive evaluation submit their theses to two external reviewers for refereeing.
If the evaluation is positive (or in any case after the comments received from the external reviewers are integrated), the candidates may defend the thesis in front of a Committee composed of three members, at least two of which must be external to the Politecnico.

The resulting thesis needs to be coherent with the research lines developed in the Department where the PhD programme is developed.


Ph.D. yearbooks and thesis

The thesis abstracts are published in our yearbooks: https://www.dottorato.polimi.it/en/phd-programmes/engineering/management-engineering

Each PhD candidate must obtain at least 25 ECTS from courses.
Each course lasts approximately one week and is composed of classroom lessons, individual study and group works.

All courses are taught in English.


Faculty Board

  • Arena Marika   
  • Arnaboldi Michela – PHD PROGRAM COORDINATOR
  • Cagliano Raffaella
  • Caniato Federico
  • Cigolini Roberto
  • Colicchia Claudia
  • Colombo Massimo
  • Dell’Era Claudio
  • Franzoni Chiara
  • Frattini Federico
  • Ghezzi Antonio
  • Grilli Luca
  • Kotlar Josip
  • Lamberti Lucio
  • Lettieri Emanuele
  • Melacini Marco
  • Micheli Guido
  • Mosconi Rocco
  • Pero Margherita
  • Piscitello Lucia
  • Piva Evila
  • Portioli Alberto
  • Terzi Sergio
  • Trucco Paolo 


The Ph.D. programme aims to train professionals who are able to carry out high-quality research in the fields of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering at universities or other research institutions. Ph.D. graduates from DRIG are also well equipped with distinctive skills and advanced knowledge to pursue a professional career in manufacturing and service companies, regulatory authorities and other public bodies.

In this framework, the following opportunities are open to those completing the Ph.D. programme:

  • Post doc, research fellows and young lecturers in Italian and foreign universities;
  • researchers and scholars of management, economics or industrial engineering in the research departments of public and private organisations;
  • highly qualified personnel in research and training institutions, with the role of providing a link between universities and the business world, or in technology transfer centres in Italy and abroad;
  • professionals in leading management and strategic consulting firms able to provide deep and advanced insight in areas of activity relating to the company itself;
  • high level professional roles in national (ministries, regulatory authorities, local public institutions) and international (EIB, IMF, World Bank, European Commission, European Central Bank) public institutions;
  • managerial roles in multinational companies with a strong focus on innovation;
  • entrepreneurs in contexts characterized by a high level of innovation.

Support actions for placement are provided with the purpose of sharing experiences, services and information through a number of initiatives fitting the different types of career opportunities. Amongst the actions, the “Placement programme for PhD candidates” is the programme offered by the Career Service, in cooperation with the PhD school of Politecnico di Milano. 


31 PhD Cycle
  • Al Taji Farah Nabil Adel
  • Cannas Violetta Giada
  • Chiodo Veronica
  • Constant Francois
  • Derakhshanalavijeh Roya
  • Giraudo Emanuele
  • Giuffrida Maria
  • Latifi Gresa
  • Magistretti Stefano
  • Malandri Lorenzo
  • Napoleone Alessia
  • Neri Alessandra
  • Roshanghalb Afsaneh
  • Susur Ebru
  • Trabucchi Daniel
32 PhD Cycle
  • Costa Federica
  • Farinelli Marco
  • Flocco Nicole
  • Fontana Matteo
  • Loro Camillo
  • Manfredi Latilla Vito Maria
  • Pakhomova Liubov
  • Prataviera Lorenzo Bruno
  • Soncin Mara
  • Sullivan Brendan Patrick
  • Tedaldi Gianluca
  • Volpetti Claudia
33 PhD Cycle
  • Artusi Federico
  • Arano Keith
  • Bellis Paola
  • Bertoletti Alice
  • Cifone Fabiana Dafne
  • Diaz Lema Melisa Lucia
  • Leto Alessio Domenico
  • Martinazzi Stefano
  • Piantoni Giulia
  • Seghezzi Arianna
  • Siragusa Chiara
  • Tangi Luca
34 PhD Cycle
  • Acerbi Federica
  • Gerli Francesco
  • Gheduzzi Eleonora
  • Kassem Bassel
  • Lanfranchi Davide
  • Magnanini Silvia
  • Mancuso Raffaele
  • Mandolfo Marco
  • Marini Camilla
  • Montanaro Benedetta
  • Moretti Emilio
  • Pedota Mattia Fabio Junior
  • Sanasi Silvia
  • Xu Jinou
  • Zasa Federico Paolo
35 PhD Cycle
  • Accordini Davide
  • Boccoli Gabriele
  • Guida Michela
  • Laubengaier Desireé
  • Manotti Jacopo
  • Maragno Giulia
  • Modica Tiziana
  • Negri Marta
  • Piraina Mariachiara
  • Ronchini Alessio
  • Shibanova Ekaterina
  • Vella Giacomo


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