
In the fullest and deepest sense of the term, sustainability means “taking care, supporting, and fostering” the integral development of individuals, society, and the environment. It represents a heightened awareness and maturity, and it signifies a unifying perspective across the three areas of action of the University: education, research, and social responsibility.

For many years, the POLIMI School of Management has wholeheartedly embraced the principles underlying sustainable and inclusive growth. In particular, in 2017, it established a working group (the Sustainability Delegation) that involves staff, faculty, and researchers from the School, aimed at pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals.

In 2023, the School drafted its Strategic Sustainability Plan, which aims to express its commitment in this direction, in close coordination with the University.


Through its actions, the Strategic Sustainability Plan of the POLIMI School of Management contributes to achieving the University’s sustainability goals, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals.

With this plan, the POLIMI School of Management addresses the following strategic priorities:

  • Inclusion and Equal Opportunities
  • Sustainable Research
  • Sustainability in Education
  • Innovation and Social Responsibility
  • Environment


Our contribution to the University’s ambition to be an increasingly welcoming and inclusive place and to ensure equal opportunities is reflected in several initiatives. These include valuing diversity, achieving gender balance in our degree programs, strengthening the psychological services offered to students, engaging our community through sports activities, and enhancing the welfare system.

Active Projects
  • Welfare System Enhancement Program
    • Public Transport Subscriptions: we are seeing increased participation, with current subscriptions at 31%.
    • People Care Services: new enrollments have been recorded.
  • Inclusive Education: we are developing staff involvement initiatives by conducting courses and webinars on diversity, inclusion and Managing with Purpose and Sustainability.
  • HumanTech Project: as part of the HumanTech – Humans and Technology project within the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, funded by the “Departments of Excellence” 2023-2027 initiative of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), we are developing models and development processes capable of accelerating the transition towards sustainable, inclusive industrial systems that are attentive to individual and collective well-being.


Our contribution to the University’s commitment to making the perspective of sustainability pervasive in all research areas and addressing the ethical implications of technological development and scientific progress is reflected in our participation in the development of living labs and the promotion of the University’s PhD scholarships focused on the SDG themes.


We will contribute to the University’s goal of enhancing the educational offerings with a particular focus on sustainability-related content by strengthening the system for mapping the contribution of teaching to the SDGs, creating MOOCs on sustainability topics, and increasing participation in postgraduate training for the Third Sector.

Active Projects
  • Monitoring Courses with SDG Content: in 2024, data on the monitoring of courses with content related to the SDGs show that, considering a standard study plan of 108 ECTS credits, SDG-related content comprises 15.6% of the study plan.
  • Since 2019, the “SoM for the SDGs: Theses with Impacts Related to the Sustainable Development Goals” award has been active. To date, an average of 45 theses and project works per year have been submitted by Master’s degree students and GSoM Master’s students.
  • Masters in Sustainability: the aim is to increase and consolidate the current offering of full-time English-language programs with new Master’s programs focused entirely on sustainability.
  • MOOCs and podcasts: with an approach focused on Lifelong Learning, GSoM aims to educate the whole community, with courses and podcasts targeting university students as well as professionals.


We will contribute to sustainable and inclusive societal development by leveraging our faculty’s expertise to collaborate with Third Sector entities.

Specifically, we will involve students in Off Campus activities and promote their development, further strengthen relationships with the Third Sector, social entrepreneurship, and institutions through initiatives such as SoM4NP – SOM for Non-Profit and Leave Your Mark.

Leave Your Mark

Promoted by the Gianluca Spina Association, this initiative is designed to allow managers, professionals, and young talents who have studied at POLIMI Graduate School of Management to offer their skills – pro bono – to non-profit institutions that play a key role in building a more inclusive society and a better future for all.

In the first three editions, more than 50 Alumni and 15 faculty supported 21 locally and internationally active nonprofits in business model & development, app development, marketing analysis, fundraising and crowdfunding strategies, catalog management, and volunteer management.

SoM4NP – SOM for Non-Profit

This is a collaborative space for reciprocal engagement between the non-profit sector and our school. It aims to facilitate contact between Third Sector organizations and our students, faculty, and staff to share expertise and develop joint projects.

The program includes the development of theses, project work, and internships for students and graduates of the MSc in Management Engineering and POLIMI Graduate School of Management to meet the needs of these organizations. So far, the number of students and faculty involved was 220 and 40, respectively, while 49 organizations were reached.

In addition to teaching, research projects have been conducted with various organizations, and we continue to address the training needs of the non-profit world and social enterprises.


Our contribution to environmental protection involves reducing energy consumption, promoting the University’s sustainable mobility initiatives, and implementing reuse initiatives aimed at fostering an effective circular economy.

Active Projects
  • Food Waste Reduction
    We have implemented food waste reduction practices in 100% of organized catering services. This initiative involves over 150 participants in food recovery and consumption efforts.
  • LED Lighting
    We have replaced the majority of lighting fixtures with LED systems.
  • Energy Consumption Guidelines
    We are developing guidelines for individual behavior models to reduce energy consumption.
  • Surplus Room
    We are working on creating a surplus room for sharing and exchanging unused items.
  • Pharmaceutical Collection and Redistribution
    We are launching an ongoing project for the collection and redistribution of medications.
  • Sustainability in Fashion Award
    Since 2021, we have collaborated with Save the Duck to award the best thesis from a Politecnico di Milano student addressing sustainability in the fashion sector. This award has received over 60 applications over the years.