Nizar Abdelkafi

Core Faculty | Associate Professor

Short Profile outline

Nizar Abdelkafi is Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. He teaches Supply Chain Management at the post-graduate level at Politecnico di Milano. Before joining the School of Management, he was a head of research unit at Fraunhofer Society in Germany and a lecturer at the University of Leipzig. Since 2009 he has been a member of the Association of German Professors (VHB).


PHD: Dr., Hamburg University of Technology.

Master of Science: Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing., Technische Universität München.

Academic course held at SOM

Supply Chain Innovation

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Innovation

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Innovation

Supply Chain Management

Theories and Methods for Global Value Chain research


Specializing Masters


Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Planning, Variety and Complexity Management, Standardization, Supply Chains and Business Models, Innovation and Supply Chains

Relevant Publications

Ziegler D. | Abdelkafi N., "Business models for electric vehicles: Literature review and key insights", Journal of Cleaner Production, 330, 1-16

Ciccullo F. | Fabbri M. | Abdelkafi N. | Pero M., "Exploring the potential of business models for sustainability and big data for food waste reduction", Journal of Cleaner Production, 340, 1-13

Xu J. | Abdelkafi N. | Pero M. (2020), "On the impact of blockchain technology on business models and supply chain management", Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, 1-7

Posselt Thorsten | Abdelkafi Nizar | Fischer Luise | Tangour Cyrine, "Opportunities and Challenges of Higher Education Institutions in Europe, An Analysis from a Business Model Perspective", Higher Education Quartely , 73, 100-115

Abdelkafi Nizar | Pero Margherita, "Supply chain innovation-driven business models: Exploratory analysis and implications for management", Business Process Management Journal, 24, 589-608

Abdelkafi Nizar | Hilbig Romy | Laudien Sven M. , "Business Models of Entrepreneurial Universities in the Area of Vocational Education – An Exploratory Analysis", International Journal of Technology Management, 77, 86-108

Abdelkafi Nizar | Hansen Erik G., "Ecopreneurs’ Creation of User Business Models for Green Tech: An Exploratory Study in E-Mobility ", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing , 2018, 32-55

Täuscher Karl | Abdelkafi Nizar, " Scalability and Robustness of Business Models for Sustainability: A Simulation Experiment, Journal of Cleaner Production, 170(2018), pp. 654-664.", Journal of Cleaner Production, 170, 654-664

Wagner Regina | Abdelkafi Nizar | Blecker Thorsten, "Exploration of the Product Phase-out Process in Manufacturing Firms: A Human Factor Perspective", Business Process Management Journal, 23, 1000-1017

Täuscher Karl | Abdelkafi Nizar, "Visual Tools for Business Model Innovation: Recommendations from a Cognitive Perspective", Creativity and Innovation Management, 26, 160-174

Abdelkafi Nizar | Makhotin Sergiy Thuns Marina | Pohle Anna Blind Knut , "To Standardize or to Patent? Development of a Decision Making Tool and Recommendations for Young Companies", International Journal of Innovation Management, 2016, 16400201-164002030

Abdelkafi Nizar | Täuscher Karl, "Business Models for Sustainability from a System Dynamics Perspective", Organization & Environment, 29, 74-96

Abdelkafi Nizar | Makhotin Sergiy, "Seizing Opportunities for the Support of Innovation through Committee Standards and Standardization", International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization, 2014, 38-56

Abdelkafi Nizar | Makhotin Sergiy | Posselt Thorsten, "Business Model Innovation for Electric Mobility – What Can be Learned from Existing Business Model Patterns?", International Journal of Innovation Management, 17, 1-41

Pero Margherita | Abdelkafi Nizar | Sianesi Andrea | Blecker Thorsten, "A framework for the Alignment of New Product Development and Supply Chains", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 15, 115-128

Grants, Awards and Honours

  • Best Paper Award at XXVII ISPIM Innovation Conference, Porto, Portugal for the research paper “To standardize or to Patent? Development of a Decision Making Tool and Recommendations for Young Companies”, 19/06/2016 - 22/06/2016

Service to the community

  • Research Associate at the Technische Universität München at the Department of General and Industrial Management , 16/09/2002 - 30/11/2002
  • Research Associate at the University Klagenfurt at the department of Production, Logistics, and Environmental Management, 03/12/2002 - 30/01/2005
  • Research Associate at Hamburg University of Technology, Department of Business Logistics and General Management and at the Center of Advanced Studies at Kühne School of Logistics and Management, 01/02/2005 - 31/08/2010
  • Research Associate at Fraunhofer-Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy (IMW), 30/09/2010 - 30/06/2020
  • Head of unit „Business Model: Engineering and Innovation” at Fraunhofer-Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy (IMW), 30/01/2012 - 30/06/2020
  • Guest Professor (Full) at Leuphana University Luneburg in the area of “Business Model Innovation in E-Mobility for Regional SMEs, 02/02/2015 - 30/07/2015
  • Electronic Markets, Guest-editor of Special Issue on “Research Advances in Multi-sided Platforms” (with Christina Raasch, Angela Roth, and R. Srinivasan) and Sustainability, Guest-editor of special issue "Electronic Markets, Guest-editor of Special Issue "Designing and Implementing Innovative Business Models and Supply Chains: The Digitalization and Sustainability Imperative"

Accreditations, Rankings & Memberships
