Deborah Agostino

Core Faculty | Associate Professor

Short Profile outline

Deborah Agostino is Associate Professor of Management Accounting at Politecnico di Milano. She is a core faculty member of Polimi Graduate School of Management, where she teaches financial and management accounting in executive and post-graduate courses. She is a member of the scientific committee of the EIASM Public Sector Conference. She published over 50 contributions in academic journals and conference proceedings on the subject of performance measurement and management in public sector and cultural institutions.


PHD: Management Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Master of Science: Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Academic course held at SOM

Economia E Organizzazione Aziendale (Per Aerospaziali)

Economia e organizzazione aziendale d

Economia e organizzazione aziendale

Economia e organizzazione aziendale c

Economia e organizzazione aziendale c

Economia e organizzazione aziendale

Accounting, Finance & Control

Heritage Management

Management for Architecture

Accounting, Finance & Control

Management For Architecture

Accounting, Finance & Control

Management For Architecture

Accounting, Finance & Control

Management for architecture

Management control systems

Case study and Action Research

Case study and Action Research

Case study and Action Research

Case study and content analysis methodology

Case study and content analysis methodology

Case study methodologies

Case study and content analysis methodologies


Executive Education



Specializing masters


Her research interests are in the field of management accounting in public sector and cultural institutions, with a particular focus on digital technology and its implications for management accounting. One major research stream investigates the potentialities and risks of integrating social media and web-based data in performance measurement systems of cultural institutions. A further research stream focuses on the challenges of digital technologies for public sector and cultural institutions.

Relevant Publications

Agostino D.| Arnaboldi M. (2021), "From preservation to entertainment: Accounting for the transformation of participation in Italian state museums", Accounting History, 26, 102-122

Agostino D.| Brambilla M.| Pavanetto S.| Riva P. (2021), "The contribution of online reviews for quality evaluation of cultural tourism offers: The experience of italian museums", Sustainability (Switzerland), 13

Agostino D.| Arnaboldi M.| Lampis A. (2020), "Italian state museums during the COVID-19 crisis: from onsite closure to online openness", Museum Management and Curatorship, 362-372

Agasisti T.| Agostino D.| Soncin M. (2020), "Implementing Performance Measurement Systems in Local Governments: Moving from the “How” to the “Why”", Public Performance and Management Review, 43, 1100-1128

Agostino D.| Arnaboldi M.| Lema M.D. (2020), "New development: COVID-19 as an accelerator of digital transformation in public service delivery", Public Money and Management, 1-4

Agostino D.| Arnaboldi M.| Lema M.L.D.| Riva P. (2020), "Exploring the importance of Facebook post writing as a museum engagement tool", Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Social Media, ECSM 2020, 28-36

Agostino D.| Arnaboldi M.| Carloni E. (2020), "Big data for decision making: Are museums ready?", Management, Participation and Entrepreneurship in the Cultural and Creative Sector, 61-78

Agasisti T.| Agostino D.| Soncin M., "Implementing Performance Measurement Systems in Local Governments: Moving from the “How” to the “Why”", Public Performance and Management Review

Agostino D.| Arnaboldi M., "What can social media data add to the knowledge of arts and humanities? an empirical investigation on twitter at teatro alla scala", Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning, 7, 197-213

Agostino Deborah; Arnaboldi Michela, "Performance measurement systems in public service networks. The what, who, and how of control", FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY AND MANAGEMENT, 34, 103-116

Agostino Deborah; Arnaboldi Michela; Azzone Giovanni, "Social media data into performance measurement systems: Methodologies, opportunities, and risks", HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH ON MODERNIZATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT, 254-275

Agostino Deborah, "Can Twitter Add to Performance Evaluation in the Area of Performing Arts? Reflections from La Scala Opera House", Journal of Arts Management Law and Society, 48, 321-338

Agostino Deborah;Arena Marika;Catalano Giuseppe;Erbacci Angelo, "Public engagement through social media: the spending review experience", PUBLIC MONEY & MANAGEMENT, 37, 55-62

Agostino Deborah;Arnaboldi Michela;Dal Molin Martina, "Critical crossroads to explain network change: evidence from a goal-directed network", THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT, 30, 255-269

Agostino Deborah;Arnaboldi Michela, "Social media data used in the measurement of public service effectiveness: empirical evidence from Twitter in higher education institutions", PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION, 34, 1-27

Agostino Deborah;Sidorova Yulia, "How social media reshapes action on distant customers: some empirical evidence", ACCOUNTING AUDITING & ACCOUNTABILITY JOURNAL, 30, 777-794

Agostino Deborah;Arnaboldi Michela, "Rational and ritualistic use of key performance indicators in hybrid organizations", PUBLIC MONEY & MANAGEMENT, 37, 409-416

Agostino Deborah;Dal Molin Martina, "A grid approach to managing sustainability: evidence from a multiple Italian case study", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABILITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 17, 875-894

Agostino Deborah;Sidorova Yulia, "A performance measurement system to quantify the contribution of social media: new requirements for metrics and methods", MEASURING BUSINESS EXCELLENCE, 20, 38-51

Agostino Deborah;Arnaboldi Michela, "A Measurement Framework for Assessing the Contribution of Social Media to Public Engagement: An empirical analysis on Facebook", PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 18, 1289-1307

Agostino Deborah;Arnaboldi Michela, "How Performance Measurement Systems Support Managerial Actions in Networks: Evidence from an Italian Case Study", PUBLIC ORGANIZATION REVIEW, 15, 117-137

Agostino Deborah;Steenhuisen Bauke;Arnaboldi Michela;De Bruijn Hans, "PMS development in local public transport:Comparing Milan and Amsterdam", TRANSPORT POLICY, 33, 26-32

Agostino Deborah;Lapsley Irvine, "City: charity partnerships and the financial crisis- Case study evidence", PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REVIEW, 15, 633-656

Agostino Deborah, "Using social media to engage citizens: A study of Italian municipalities", PUBLIC RELATIONS REVIEW, 39, 232-234

Agostino Deborah;Arena Marika;Arnaboldi Michela, "Leading change in public organisations: the role of mediators", LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL, 34, 596-615

Grants, Awards and Honours

  • Highly cited research in Public Relations Review with the paper "Using social media to engage citizens: A study of Italian municipalities"

Accreditations, Rankings & Memberships
