Lucia Piscitello

Core Faculty | Full Professor

Short Profile outline

Lucia Piscitello is Professor of International Business at Politecnico di Milano and at the Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK, where she is also co-director of the John H. Dunning Center for International Business. Her research interests cover the economics and management of MNEs, the international aspects of technological change, the geography of innovation. She is Associate Editor of the Global Strategy Journal, and serves on the editorial boards of several journals. She acts as external expert for the Department of Geography & Environment, London School of Economics, UK. She is a Fellow, Past President, and Chair of the European International Business Academy (EIBA).


PHD: Management Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Master of Science: Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Academic course held at SOM

Agricultural Supply Chain Management

Development Economics

Agricultural Supply Chain Management

Development Economics

Development Economics

Development Economics

Development economics

Development economics

Development economics

Development economics

Economics and management of multinational enterprises

Development economics

Economics and management of multinational enterprises

Business economics

Economia dello sviluppo

Theories and Methods for Global Value Chain research

Research Challenges in Global Value Chain

Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial finance

Research challenges in global value chain


Her research interests cover the economics and management of MNEs, the international aspects of technological change, the geography of innovation. Her recent studies focus on agglomeration and MNEs’ location strategies, globalization of R&D and technology development in the global network of MNEs, digital technologies, global sourcing and reshoring. She is Associate Editor of the Global Strategy Journal, and serves on the editorial boards of several journals. She acts as external expert for the Department of Geography & Environment, London School of Economics, UK. She is a Fellow, Past President, and Chair of the European International Business Academy (EIBA).

Relevant Publications

Mariotti S.| Marzano R.| Piscitello L. (2021), "The role of family firms’ generational heterogeneity in the entry mode choice in foreign markets", Journal of Business Research, 132, 800-812

Pedota M.| Grilli L.| Piscitello L. (2021), "Technological paradigms and the power of convergence", Industrial and Corporate Change, 30, 1633-1654

Scalera V.G.| Mukherjee D.| Piscitello L. (2020), "Ownership strategies in knowledge-intensive cross-border acquisitions: Comparing Chinese and Indian MNEs", Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37, 155-185

Lavoratori K.| Mariotti S.| Piscitello L. (2020), "The role of geographical and temporary proximity in MNEs’ location and intra-firm co-location choices", Regional Studies, 54, 1442-1456

Elia S.| Messeni Petruzzelli A.| Piscitello L., "The impact of cultural diversity on innovation performance of MNC subsidiaries in strategic alliances", Journal of Business Research, 98, 204-213

Garrone P.| Piscitello L.| D'Amelio M., "Multinational Enterprises and the Provision of Collective Goods in Developing Countries under Formal and Informal Institutional Voids. The Case of Electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa", Journal of International Management, 25

Elia S.| Larsen M.M.| Piscitello L., "Entry mode deviation: A behavioral approach to internalization theory", Journal of International Business Studies, 50, 1359-1371

Albertoni F.| Elia S.| Piscitello L., "Inertial vs. mindful repetition of previous entry mode choices: Do firms always learn from experience?", Journal of Business Research, 103, 530-546

Mariotti S.| Mosconi R.| Piscitello L., "Location and survival of MNEs' subsidiaries: Agglomeration and heterogeneity of firms", Strategic Management Journal, 40, 2242-2270

De Massis A.| Frattini F.| Majocchi A.| Piscitello L., "Family firms in the global economy: Toward a deeper understanding of internationalization determinants, processes, and outcomes", Global Strategy Journal, 8, 3-21

Van Tulder R.| Verbeke A.| Piscitello L., "Introduction: International business in the information and digital age – an overview of themes and challenges", Progress in International Business Research, 13, 1-13

Buonafede F.| Felice G.| Lamperti F.| Piscitello L., "Additive manufacturing and global value chains: An empirical investigation at the country level", Progress in International Business Research, 13, 295-323

Mariotti S.| Nicolini M.| Piscitello L., "The role of the heterogeneity of services in the transmission of spillovers to domestic manufacturing companies", Transformations in Business and Economics, 17, 194-209

Van Tulder R.| Verbeke A.| Piscitello L., "Preface: Lorraine Eden - A tribute", Progress in International Business Research, 13, 11-14

Albertoni Filippo;Elia Stefano;Massini Silvia;Piscitello Lucia, "The reshoring of business services: reaction to failure or coherent strategy?", JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS, 52, 417-430

Cuervo-Cazurra A.;Mudambi R.;Pedersen T.;Piscitello Lucia, "Research Methodology in Global Strategy Research", GLOBAL STRATEGY JOURNAL, 7, 233-240

Boellis A.;Mariotti Sergio;Minichilli A.;Piscitello Lucia, "Family involvement and firms’ establishment mode choice in foreign markets", JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES, 47, 929-950

Alcácer Juan;Cantwell John;Piscitello Lucia, "Internationalization in the information age: A new era for places, firms, and international business networks?", JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES, 47, 499-512

D'Amelio M.;Garrone Paola;Piscitello Lucia, "Can Multinational Enterprises Light up Developing Countries?: Evidences from the Access to Electricity in sub-Saharan Africa", WORLD DEVELOPMENT, 88, 12-32

Piscitello Lucia;Amorim C.;Bannò M., "Determinants of internationalization of regions: the role and effectiveness of public policy", REGIONAL STUDIES, 49, 1208-1222

Caniato Federico F. A.;Elia Stefano;Luzzini Davide;Piscitello Lucia;Ronchi Stefano, "Location drivers, governance model and performance in service offshoring", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 163, 189-199

Mariotti Sergio;Mutinelli Marco;Nicolini Marcella;Piscitello Lucia, "Productivity spillovers from foreign MNEs on domestic manufacturing firms: to what extent does spatial proximity matter?", REGIONAL STUDIES, 49, 1639-1653

Cantwell John;Piscitello Lucia, "New competence creation in MNC subunits: The role of international knowledge", WORLD ECONOMY, 38, 231-254

Amorim V. C.;Bannò M.;Piscitello Lucia, "The impact of public support to SMEs' Outward FDI: Evidence from Italy", JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, 52, 22-38

Rabbiosi Larissa;Mudambi R.;Piscitello Lucia, "Reverse Knowledge Transfer in MNEs: The key role of subsidiary’s mandate", LONG RANGE PLANNING, 47, 49-63

Piscitello Lucia;Elia Stefano;De Beule F., "Entry and access to competences abroad: Emerging market firms vs. advanced market firms", JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT, 20, 137-152

Mariotti Sergio;Piscitello Lucia;Elia Stefano, "Local externalities and ownership choices in foreign acquisitions by multinational enterprises", ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY, 90, 187-211

Piscitello Lucia;Cantwell John, "Historical changes in the determinants of competence creation in MNC subunits: the increasing role of international knowledge", INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE, 23, 633-660

Accreditations, Rankings & Memberships
