Tommaso Agasisti

Core Faculty | Full Professor

Short Profile outline

Delegate for Accreditation and Rankings

Tommaso Agasisti is Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano School of Management. From 2012 to 2019, he served as the co-delegate of the Area I&PA (Institutions & Public Administrations), while since then he is currently the Associate Dean for International Relations and School Excellence at POLIMI Graduate School of Management. He is a member of the editorial boards of Educational Researcher, Tertiary Education and Management, International Journal of Educational Management. Since 2019, he sits in the Board of Governors at Politecnico di Milano


PHD: Management Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Master of Science: Economics, Università degli Studi di Bologna.

Academic course held at SOM

Economia E Organizzazione Aziendale

Economia E Organizzazione Aziendale

Economia E Organizzazione Aziendale

Economia E Organizzazione Aziendale

Economia E Organizzazione Aziendale D

Economia e organizzazione aziendale d

Economia e organizzazione aziendale d

Economia e organizzazione aziendale d

Economia e organizzazione aziendale d

Economia e organizzazione aziendale d

Economia e organizzazione aziendale d

Public Management

Data Analysis For Public Management

Data Analysis For Public Management

Public Management

Public management

Public management

Public management

Public management

Public management

Machine Learning for Social Research

Research in public and regulated sectors


Specializing Masters


Specializing masters


My research activity is focused on Public Economics, Finance and Management, and the mainstream is in the field of economics and management of educational services. Overall, my research interests can be grouped into four main areas: (i) statistical and econometric methods for evaluating the performance and the efficiency of public organizations - especially universities, schools and local governments, (ii) governance models for educational institutions and systems, (iii) public sector accounting; (v) digital innovations in the public sector.

Relevant Publications

Agasisti T.| Soncin M. (2021), "Higher education in troubled times: on the impact of Covid-19 in Italy", Studies in Higher Education, 46, 86-95

Agasisti T.| Egorov A.| Zinchenko D.| Leshukov O. (2021), "Efficiency of regional higher education systems and regional economic short-run growth: empirical evidence from Russia", Industry and Innovation, 28, 507-534

Agasisti T.| Avvisati F.| Borgonovi F.| Longobardi S. (2021), "What School Factors are Associated with the Success of Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Students? An Empirical Investigation Using PISA Data", Social Indicators Research, 157, 749-781

Agasisti T.| Berbegal-Mirabent J. (2021), "Cross-country analysis of higher education institutions' efficiency: The role of strategic positioning", Science and Public Policy, 48, 66-79

Agasisti T.| Longobardi S.| Prete V.| Russo F. (2021), "The relevance of educational poverty in Europe: Determinants and remedies", Journal of Policy Modeling, 43, 692-709

Agasisti T.| Shibanova E.| Platonova D.| Lisyutkin M. (2020), "The Russian Excellence Initiative for higher education: a nonparametric evaluation of short-term results", International Transactions in Operational, 27, 1911-1929

Agasisti T.| Agostino D.| Soncin M. (2020), "Implementing Performance Measurement Systems in Local Governments: Moving from the “How” to the “Why”", Public Performance and Management Review, 43, 1100-1128

De Witte K.| Johnes G.| Johnes J.| Agasisti T. (2020), "Preface to the Special issue on Efficiency in Education, Health and Other Public Services", International Transactions in Operational Research, 27, 1819-1820

Agasisti T.| Bertoletti A. (2020), "Higher education and economic growth: A longitudinal study of European regions 2000–2017", Socio-Economic Planning Sciences

Agasisti T.| Frattini F.| Soncin M. (2020), "Digital innovation in times of emergency: Reactions from a school of management in Italy", Sustainability (Switzerland), 12, 1-17

Agasisti T.; Barbato G.| Dal Molin M.| Turri M., "Internal quality assurance in universities: does NPM matter?", Studies in Higher Education, 44, 960-977

Agasisti T.| Barra C.| Zotti R., "Research, knowledge transfer, and innovation: The effect of Italian universities’ efficiency on local economic development 2006−2012", Journal of Regional Science, 59, 819-849

Agasisti T.| Munda G.| Hippe R., "Measuring the efficiency of European education systems by combining Data Envelopment Analysis and Multiple-Criteria Evaluation", Journal of Productivity Analysis, 51, 105-124

Agasisti T.| Agostino D.| Soncin M., "Implementing Performance Measurement Systems in Local Governments: Moving from the “How” to the “Why”", Public Performance and Management Review

Agasisti T., "Editorial", Higher Education Quarterly, 73, 131-134

Masci C.; Johnes G.; Agasisti Tommaso, "Student and school performance across countries: A machine learning approach", EUROPENA JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, 269, 1072-1085

Agasisti Tommaso; Zoido P., "Comparing the Efficiency of Schools Through International Benchmarking: Results From an Empirical Analysis of OECD PISA 2012 Data", EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHER, 47, 352-362

Schiltz F.; Sestito P.; Agasisti Tommaso; De Witte K., "The added value of more accurate predictions for school rankings", ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW, 67, 207-215

Masci C.; De Witte K.; Agasisti Tommaso, "The influence of school size, principal characteristics and school management practices on educational performance: An efficiency analysis of Italian students attending middle schools", SOCIO-ECONOMICS PLANNING SCIENCES, 61, 52-69

Agasisti Tommaso; Catalano G.| Erbacci A., "How Resistance to Change Affects the Implementation of Accrual Accounting in Italian Public Universities: A Comparative Case Study", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, 41, 946-956

Agasisti Tommaso;Longobardi Sergio, "Equality of Educational Opportunities, Schools’ Characteristics and Resilient Students: An Empirical Study of EU-15 Countries Using OECD-PISA 2009 Data", SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH, 134, 917-953

Agasisti Tommaso;Belfield Clive, "Efficiency in the Community College Sector: Stochastic Frontier Analysis", TERTIARY EDUCATION AND MANAGEMENT, 23, 237-259

Agasisti Tommaso;Falzetti Patrizia, "Between-classes sorting within schools and test scores: an empirical analysis of Italian junior secondary schools", INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS, 64, 1-45

Agasisti Tommaso;Longobardi Sergio;Regoli Andrea, "A cross-country panel approach to exploring the determinants of educational equity through PISA data", QUALITY & QUANTITY, 51, 1243-1260

Sagarra Martì;Mar-Molinero Cecilio;Agasisti Tommaso, "Exploring the efficiency of Mexican universities: Integrating Data Envelopment Analysis and Multidimensional Scaling", OMEGA

Agasisti Tommaso;Barra Cristian;Zotti Roberto, "Evaluating the efficiency of Italian public universities (2008–2011) in presence of (unobserved) heterogeneity", SOCIO-ECONOMIC PLANNING SCIENCES, 55, 47-58

Agasisti Tommaso;Murtinu Samuele, "Grants in Italian university: a look at the heterogeneity of their impact on students' performances", STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 41, 1106-1132

Agasisti Tommaso, "Editorial", HIGHER EDUCATION QUARTERLY, 70, 329-331

Agasisti Tommaso;Murtinu Samuele;Sibiano Piergiacomo, "The heterogeneity of the 'private school effect' in Italian primary education", CESIFO ECONOMIC STUDIES, 62, 126-147

Agasisti Tommaso;Johnes Geraint, "Efficiency, costs, rankings and heterogeneity: the case of US higher education", STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 40, 60-82

Agasisti Tommaso;Sibiano Piergiacomo, "Standard costs for Italian primary public schools: a simulation through a cost function approach", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC SECTOR PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT, 2, 253-272

Agasisti Tommaso;Arena Marika;Catalano Giuseppe;Erbacci Angelo, "Defining spending reviews: a proposal for a taxonomy, with applications to Italy and the UK", PUBLIC MONEY & MANAGEMENT, 35, 423-430

Agasisti Tommaso;Catalano Giuseppe;Di Carlo Ferdinando;Erbacci Angelo, "Accrual accounting in Italian universities: a technical perspective", THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT, 28, 494-508

Agasisti Tommaso;Barbieri Gianna;Murtinu Samuele, "Private School Enrollment in an Italian Region after Implementing a Change in the Voucher Policy", JOURNAL OF SCHOOL CHOICE, 9, 380-406

Agasisti Tommaso;Longobardi Sergio, "Inequality in education: Can Italian disadvantaged students close the gap?", JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS, 52, 8-20

Galan Arturo;Agasisti Tommaso, "From brain drain to knowledge transfer: Experiences of the Italian academe", INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION, 52, 60-63

Agasisti Tommaso;Longobardi Sergio, "Educational institutions, resources, and students' resiliency: An empirical study about OECD countries", ECONOMICS BULLETIN, 34, 1055-1067

Agasisti Tommaso, "The efficiency of public spending on education: an empirical comparison of EU countries", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, 49, 545-557

Agasisti Tommaso;Bonomi Federica, "Benchmarking universities' efficiency indicators in presence of internal heterogeneity", STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 39, 1237-1255

Bolli Thomas;Agasisti Tommaso;Johnes Geraint, "The impact of institutional student support on graduation rates in US Ph.D. programmes", EDUCATION ECONOMICS, 23, 396-418

Agasisti Tommaso, "The efficiency of Italian secondary schools and the potential role of competition. A Data Envelopment Analysis using OECD-PISA2006 data", EDUCATION ECONOMICS, 21, 520-544

Agasisti Tommaso;Sibiano Piergiacomo, "Efficiency and heterogeneity of public spending in education among Italian Regions", JOURNAL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS, 13, 12-22

Agasisti Tommaso;Catalano Giuseppe;Sibiano Piergiacomo, "Can schools be autonomous in a centralised educational system? On formal and actual school autonomy in the Italian context", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT, 27, 292-310

Agasisti Tommaso, "The competition among Italian junior-secondary schools: a variance-decomposition empirical analysis", ANNALS OF PUBLIC AND COOPERATIVE ECONOMICS, 84, 17-42

Grants, Awards and Honours

  • TJ Alexander Fellowship of OECD

Accreditations, Rankings & Memberships
