Applied Research

SoM research aims at producing excellent and original scientific knowledge that is relevant to practitioners and society in general


SoM research aims at producing excellent and original scientific knowledge that is relevant to and has great impact not only on the community of academic scholars but also to practitioners and on society in general.

On the one hand, our academic research is designed to have practical relevance and have medium to long term impact on SoM’s stakeholders, including the business community.

On the other hand, SoM is fully engaged to produce practice-oriented research, that aims to provide new knowledge and conceptual tools that contribute directly to the advancement of management and policy-making practices. Practice-oriented research is developed in close collaboration with single companies or networks of partners and addresses their specific needs while producing valuable knowledge that is disseminated through publications in practitioner journals, books, reports and through presentations at specialist practice-oriented conferences and seminars.

The content of both academic and practice oriented research is represented by Research Lines, that are multi-disciplinary research activities that draw on the three main expertise domains – management, applied economics and industrial engineering.


SoM research aims at producing excellent and original scientific knowledge that is relevant to and has great impact not only on the community of academic scholars but also to institution, public administrations, authorities and policy-makers.

On the one hand, our academic research is designed to have practical relevance and have medium to long term impact on SoM’s stakeholders, including the community of institutions and public administrations.

On the other hand, SoM is fully engaged to produce practice-oriented research, that aims to provide new knowledge and conceptual tools that contribute directly to the advancement of public management and policy-making practices. Practice-oriented research is developed in close collaboration with institution and public bodies or networks of partners and addresses their specific needs while producing valuable knowledge that is disseminated through publications in reports, books, specialist journals, and through presentations at specialist conferences and seminars.

The content of both academic and practice oriented research is represented by Research Lines, that are multi-disciplinary research activities that draw on the three main expertise domains – management, applied economics and industrial engineering. One Research Line is specifically devoted to the study of management, regulation and innovation policies for Public Services and Cultural Institutions (Innovating Public Services and Cultural Institutions), while another one is oriented at studying management and innovation of Health and Social Care (Health and Social Care Management). In most of the others, multidisciplinary challenges are studied also from the perspective of public services and institutions, with the aim to develop policies to support advanced management and innovation.