Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technologies are continuously evolving: historically associated with cryptocurrency and value exchange, today these technologies are increasingly used by companies to enhance processes or create new business opportunities in a variety of areas. The goal of the research line is to drive companies to understand the technologies and to define business opportunities. Moreover, the goal is to contribute to the appropriate development of the Italian market and creating opportunities for meetings and discussion among major players in this field.

Blockchain & Distributed Ledger
About the project
Principal Investigators: Francesco Bruschi, Alessandro Perego, Valeria Portale, Donatella Sciuto
Researcher team: Jacopo Fracassi, Davide Ghezzi, Tommaso Paulon, Vincenzo Rana, Filippo Maria Renga, Giacomo Vella
Funders: Multiple
Duration: 2018 – onwards
Partners: DEIB: Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering of Politecnico di Milano
The Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Observatory studies Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology and its business applications. The goal of the Observatory is to generate and share knowledge on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger related topics and contribute to the development of the Italian market, creating debate and meeting and comparison opportunities for the main players that are active in this field. More specifically, its research activities are structured on the following subjects.
- Projects in Italy and worldwide: Analysis of how Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technologies are used by companies worldwide.
- Italian market: estimate investments and amount of projects implemented by companies in Italy; determine the level of knowledge and adoption of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technologies in Italian companies.
- Startups and innovative trends: analysis of startups across the world and the spread of collected funding;
- Crypto-assets: analysis of token application opportunities to identify the potential of digital assets.
- Technology, security, and privacy: map the various Blockchain and Distributed Ledger configurations and compare them in terms of technology, security, and privacy.
- Regulation: study how legislation regulates such solutions and activate a constructive debate with legislative Authorities.
Different research methodologies are used: case studies, surveys, and quantitative assessment models to evaluate the benefits stemming from Blockchain & Distributed Ledger applications. Moreover, interactive workshops with companies operating in the Blockchain & Distributed Ledger landscape are organized, to share data and experiences useful to feed and tune the analyses developed by the research team.
- Osservatorio Blockchain & Distributed Ledger, “Blockchain e Distributed Ledger nel 2020: i progetti nel mondo e i principali casi d’uso”, Report, March 2021
- Osservatorio Blockchain & Distributed Ledger, “Come ottenere privacy e controllo dei dati all’interno delle piattaforme Blockchain e Distributed Ledger”, Report, March 2021
- Osservatorio Blockchain & Distributed Ledger, “Le startup Blockchain e Distributed Ledger nel 2020”, Report, March 2021
- Osservatorio Blockchain & Distributed Ledger, “Blockchain e Distributed Ledger: le novità del 2020 in ambito normativo”, Report, January 2021
- Osservatorio Blockchain & Distributed Ledger, “Crypto-asset: cosa sono e le possibili iniziative delle banche centrali”, Report, January 2021
- Osservatorio Blockchain & Distributed Ledger, “Blockchain e supply chain: soluzioni, benefici e scenario”, Report, January 2021
- Partner: Accenture, Almaviva, Assolombarda, Banca Mediolanum, DNV, Enel, Eni, EY, IBM Italia, Intesa (Gruppo IBM), KNOBS, NIUMA, NTT Data, Poste Italiane, PwC, Unipol SAI
- Sponsor: Accudire, Algorand, Assintel, Armilis,, Deloitte, Italtel, Fastweb, GS1, Mediobanca, Metel, Monte Titoli, NPO sistemi, Progetti e Soluzioni, SIA, Tesisquare