Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale

Competences for Industry 4.0

About the project

Skills development is fundamental to increase competitiveness but also to improve workers’ employability. Accordingly, this research aims at generating theoretically and practically relevant knowledge, models and methods for the identification, assessment and development of the competences necessary for Industry 4.0.

List of Projects:

EU funded:  

  • SAM Sector Skills Strategy in Additive Manufacturing (http://www.skills4am.eu/test/index.html)
  • EIT-Manufacturing Innovation Community on Advanced Manufacturing (https://eit-manufacturing.eu)
  • MIDIH Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs (http://midih.eu/project.php)
  • BEinCPPS Business Experiments in Cyber Physical Production Systems (http://beincpps.eu)
  • SO-SMART Socially Sustainable Manufacturing for the Factories of the Future (Fondazione Politecnico di Milano) (http://sosmarteu.eu)


Private funding: Osservatorio Industria 4.0 (edizioni 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19)

Principal Investigators:  Marco Taisch, Paola Fantini, Marta Pinzone

Researcher team: Paola Fantini, Marta Pinzone, Cecilia Angioletti, Federica Acerbi

Funders: EU grants, private funding

Duration: On going, started in 2014

Partners: Multiple


The digitalization of industry, the introduction of the most advanced technologies and tools in manufacturing is expected to significantly affect work processes, the work organization and the work environment. Employees will play new roles and new types of job are also being created along the value chain. Competences for Industry 4.0 are at the core of this research stream, which addresses the following topics:

  1. Competences foresight, addressing the identification of needs for novel and updated competences, depending on the emergence and diffusion of new technologies and production paradigms.
  2. Competences description and assessment, dealing with the analysis and development of descriptors and frameworks to specify the individual competences with their components and levels, as a prerequisite for skill assessment and development planning.
  3. Competences development, investigating and experimenting methods to develop the competences for Industry 4.0, taking advantages of digital and immersive technologies.


  • Fantini, P, Pinzone, M (2019). Sviluppo di nuove competenze. In Lupi, C (Eds.) “Il futuro della fabbrica. La via italiana per il rinascimento della manifattura”, ESTE, Milan.
  • M. Pinzone, P. Fantini, S. Perini, S. Garavaglia, M. Taisch, and G. Miragliotta, “Jobs and skills in Industry 4.0: an exploratory research,” in Advances in Production Management Systems. The path to intelligent, collaborative and sustainable manufacturing., 2017.
  •  Fantini P., Pinzone M., Perini, S., Jobs & Skills 4.0: Quale evoluzione per professioni, competenze e formazione – Report Ricerca 2017 Osservatorio Industria 4.0 del Politecnico di Milano.
  • Tedaldi, G, Fantini, P, Pinzone, M, Garavaglia, S, Convertini E (2018). Industria 4.0 in Italia: Stato dell’arte e Stima di Mercato. Osservatorio Industria 4.0 – School of Management – Politecnico di Milano. https://www.osservatori.net/it_it/pubblicazioni/industria-4-0-italia-stato-d-arte-mercato
  • SO SMART Roadmap for Research and Education on Socially Sustainable Manufacturing for the Factories of the Future. http://sosmarteu.eu/
  • Berlin C., Barletta I., Fantini P., Georgoulias K., Hanisch C., Lanz M., Latokartano J., Pinzone M., Schönborn G., Stahre J., Taisch M., Tuokko R., “Prerequisites and Conditions for Socially Sustainable Manufacturing in Europe’s Future Factories—Results Overview from the SO SMART Project.,” in Advances in Ergonomics of Manufacturing: Managing the Enterprise of the Future. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, T. S. Schlick C., Ed. Springer, Cham, 2016.


  • Academic: Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), Tampere University of Technology (Finland), University of Patras (Greece), Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
  • RTO: Innovalia (Spain)
  • Corporate: Assolombarda (Italy), Festo (Germany), Whirlpool (Italy),