Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale

Crowd and citizens science

About the project

In recent years citizens have increasingly been involved into the production of science and research, thanks to social networks and platform that enable a more direct contact between citizens and researchers. In a paper that was awarded the 2018 Richard R. Nelson Prize and in a follow-up study published in PNAS we investigated voluntary participation of citizens into science projects of www.zooniverse.com. At the moment, we are studying the involvement of citizens into the funding of science in a joint project with www.Experiment.com, a platform that enable scientists to crowdfund their research. More specifically, we aim at studying whether the decision to fund scientific research by citizens is affected by the perceived risk of failure of the research involved.

Principal Investigator: Chiara Franzoni

Type: competitive funding

Funder: Sloan Foundation

Duration: 2014 – ongoing

Partners: ESTM-Berlin (Henry Sauermann), www.zooniverse.org; www.experiment.com 


  • Henry Sauermann, Chiara Franzoni (2015). “Contribution Patterns in Crowd Science: Quantitative Evidence from Multiple Projects”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 112(3):679-684.
  • Chiara Franzoni, Henry Sauermann (2014). “Crowd Science: The Organization of Scientific Research in Open Collaborative Projects”. Research Policy. 43(1):1-20. Winner of the 2018 R.R. Nelson Award.