Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale

Digital/Smart Energy Observatories

About the project

Digital Energy Report (DER), Smart City/Intelligent Building/Smart Grid Report are periodic reports investigating the topic of digital innovation and digital transformation within the energy industry. The concept of “smart” devices/environment applies to a number of cases in the energy domain, from the concept of intelligent buildings (maximizing the energy performance through an automated control of HVAC, appliances and fencing systems) to the concept of smart grids (metering and infrastructures controlling energy flows and minimizing the cost of unbalances and failures in the electricity grid), and the usage of “smart manufacturing” technologies dealing with energy consumption in industrial contexts.

Principal Investigators:  Vittorio Chiesa, Davide Chiaroni, Federico Frattini

Researcher team:  Vittorio Chiesa, Davide Chiaroni, Federico Frattini, Macro Guiducci, Martino Bonalumi

Duration: Yearly – started in 2012

Partners: Multiple


Digital Energy Report (DER), Smart City/Intelligent Building/Smart Grid Report are periodic reports investigating the topic of digital innovation and digital transformation within the energy industry. The concept of “smart” devices/environment applies to a number of cases in the energy domain, from the concept of intelligent buildings (maximizing the energy performance through an automated control of HVAC, appliances and fencing systems) to the concept of smart grids (metering and infrastructures controlling energy flows and minimizing the cost of unbalances and failures in the electricity grid), and the usage of “smart manufacturing” technologies dealing with energy consumption in industrial contexts.

The structure of the Energy Efficiency Observatory, similarly to the other observatories run by Energy & Strategy is based on 4 pillars: (1) the analysis of the state-of-the art of the technologies representing the offer in the field; (2) the analysis of the current size and forecasts of the market; (3) the analysis of the normative and regulatory framework applied in the field; (4) the analysis of business models and development strategies of the key players in the field.


So far, the following Reports Related to Digital/Smart Energy Observatories have been published:

  1. Chiaroni, D., Frattini, F., Guiducci, M., 2017, “Digital Energy Report: il potenziale dell’energia 2.0”, Energy & Strategy Group – Politecnico di Milano, ISBN 978-88-98399-22-2. (in Italiano).
  2. Chiaroni, D., Frattini, F., Chiesa, M., Franzò, S., Cavallaro, D., Guiducci, M., 2015, “Intelligent Buillding Report: il ruolo ed il potenziale di mercato delle soluzioni smart nel contesto italiano”, Energy & Strategy Group – Politecnico di Milano, ISBN 978-88-98399-13-0. (in Italiano).
  3. Chiaroni, D., Frattini, F., Franzò, S., Guiducci, M., 2015, “Smart City Report: Definizione, valutazione delle ricadute economiche e modelli di business per le Smart Cities in Italia e in Europa”, Energy & Strategy Group – Politecnico di Milano, ISBN 978-88-98399-12-3. (in Italiano).
  4. Chiaroni, D., Frattini, F., 2014, “Smart Grid Report. Le prospettive di sviluppo delle Energy Community in Italia”, Energy & Strategy Group – Politecnico di Milano, ISBN 978-88-98399-04-8. (in Italiano).
  5. Chiaroni, D., Frattini, F., 2013, “Smart Grid Report: sistemi di storage ed auto elettrica – Edizione 2013”, Energy & Strategy Group – Politecnico di Milano, ISBN 978-88-98399-06-2. (in Italiano).
  6. Chiaroni, D., Frattini, F, 2012, “Smart Grid Executive Report: Applicazioni, tecnologie e prospettive di sviluppo delle Smart Grid in Italia”, Energy & Strategy Group – Politecnico di Milano, ISBN 978-88-904839-1-2. (in Italiano).

In total more than 5.000 professionals attended the 6 Conferences held since 2012 to present the results of the Digital/Smart Energy Observatories.


Among the Companies supporting the Digital/Smart Energy Observatories since 2012 we can mention the followings: ABB, ABODATA, AGSM, BARTUCCI, CESI, DANFOSS, EDISON, EF SOLARE, EDISON, EGO ENERGY, ENEL, ENEL X, ENERGY INTELLIGENCE, E.ON, ERG, EVERIS, EVOLVERE, GMT, SEASIDE, SIRAM, TERNA, TERNI-SOFTECO.