Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale

Supply Chain Finance

About the project

The research group of the Osservatorio Supply Chain Finance focuses its studies on the development and adoption of innovative and technology-enabled solutions aimed at improving the management and financing of the working capital along the supply chain. The research group complements the financial perspective with a long experience in managing projects related to Supply Chain and Purchasing Management, where the attention towards the management of the financial flows has gained interest and relevance over time.

Research team: Agostino Bonzani, Federico Caniato, Claudia Cervatti, Elisa Medina, Michela Guida, Antonella Moretto, Alessandro Perego, Stefano Ronchi, Alessio Ronchini

Funders: Every year around 30 partners, including financial providers, IT providers, trade credit insurers, consultancy companies, startups, and many others.

Partners: Multiple

Research team: Federico Caniato, Maria Giuffrida, Michela Guida, Elisa Medina, Antonella Moretto, Alessandro Perego, Gabriele Pirami, Stefano Ronchi, Alessio Ronchini

Funders: Every year approximately 20 banks, factors, IT providers, information providers, consultancy companies

Partners: Multiple


This research project investigates the most innovative solutions to optimize net operating working capital with a collaborative supply chain perspective. The study is conducted with a special attention to the role that supply chain finance might play for weakest nodes of the supply chain, such as Small and Medium Enterprises; moreover, a focus on what happens in the upstream or downstream tiers of the supply chain is fundamental to better assess the risk which companies are exposed to, and put in place corrective actions.

This goal is achieved in a multiple way. First of all, we monitor and classify existing solutions, at international level, with a main focus on innovative ones, to understand the business models of the different Supply Chain Finance providers, and how they interact with each other. The research project aims also at identifying the impact of Supply Chain Finance on the current trends such as sustainability, industry 4.0 and risk management, understanding the synergies for the companies deciding to adopt such solutions. Another goal of the research group is to investigate the adoption and implementation process of a Supply Chain Finance solution, both in terms of evangelizing suppliers and buyers on the benefits of the solutions, and in terms of the administrative activities embodied in this phase. All the above mentioned concept cannot be evaluated without considering the pervasive impact of technology and the implication in terms of risk management.


  • Chen, L., Moretto, A., Jia, F., Caniato, F., & Xiong, Y. (2021). The role of digital transformation to empower supply chain finance: current research status and future research directions (Guest editorial). International Journal of Operations & Production Management.
  • Guida, M., Moretto, A. M., & Caniato, F. F. A. (2021). How to select a Supply Chain Finance solution?. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 100701
  • Moretto, A., & Caniato, F. (2021). Can Supply Chain Finance help mitigate the financial disruption brought by Covid-19?. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 100713.
  • Ronchini, A., Moretto, A., & Caniato, F. (2021). A decision framework for inventory-and equipment-based supply chain finance solutions. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 100712.
  • de Goeij, C., Gelsomino, L. M., Caniato, F., Moretto, A. M., & Steeman, M. (2021). Understanding SME suppliers’ response to supply chain finance: a transaction cost economics perspective. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
  • Caniato, F., Henke, M., Zsidisin, G., 2019. Supply Chain Finance: Historical Foundations, Current Research, Future Developments. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
  • Moretto, A., Grassi, L., Caniato, F., Giorgino, M., & Ronchi, S., 2019. Supply chain finance: From traditional to supply chain credit rating. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management.
  • Bonomi Bosseggia, G., Giannakis, M., Moretto, A., 2018. “Credit Rating for Small and Medium Enterprises based on Supply Chain Creditworthiness”. In Proceedings: European DSI (Udine), 1-18.
  • Gelsomino, L., Moretto, A., Caniato, F., De Boer, R., Steeman, M., 2018. “Fintech innovation in Supply Chain Finance”. In Proceedings: 25th EurOMA conference (Budapest), 1-10.
  • Moretto, A., Gelsomino, L., Caniato, F., De Boer, R., Steeman, M., 2018. “Business models for Supply Chain Finance: the perspective of Logistics Service Providers”. In Proceedings: 25th EurOMA conference (Budapest), 1-10.
  • de Goeij, C., Gelsomino, L., Caniato, F., De Boer, R., Moretto, A., Steeman, M., 2018. “A bounded rationality perspective on Reverse Factoring Insights from Dutch SMEs”. In Proceedings: 27TH IPSERA CONFERENCE – 2018 – Athens, 1-10.
  • Gelsomino, L.M., Moretto, A., Caniato, F., Steeman, M., 2018. “The evolution of Supply Chain Finance: an exploratory study of Dynamic Discounting”. In Proceedings: 27TH IPSERA CONFERENCE – 2018 – Athens, 1-10.
  • Bonzani, A., Caniato, F., Moretto, A., 2018. Costs and benefits of Supply Chain Finance solutions: is it always worth it? The Supply Chain Finance Essential Knowledge Series, Vol. 3, 1-42.
  • Moretto, A., Gelsomino, L.M., Caniato, F., De Boer, R., Steeman, M., 2017. “A supplier selection tool for Reverse Factoring solutions”. In Proceedings: 43rd EIBA conference (Milan), 1-10.
  • Godsell, J., Caniato, F., Moretto, A., Masi, D., Chakuu, S., 2017. “Exploring the role of coordination in enabling Supply Chain Finance driven business models: A conceptual framework”. In Proceedings: 26TH IPSERA CONFERENCE – 2017 – Balatonfured, 1-10.
  • Maestrini, V., Moretto, A., Gelsomino, L., Caniato, F., Ronchi, S., Perego, A., 2017. “The value of supply chain finance: an ambidexterity perspective”. In Proceedings: 26TH IPSERA CONFERENCE – 2017 – Balatonfured, 1-10.
  • Moretto, A., Gelsomino, L.M., Caniato, F., De Boer, R., Steeman, M., 2017. “A supplier selection tool for Reverse Factoring solutions”. In Proceedings: 24th EurOMA conference (Edimburgh), 1-10.
  • Maestrini V., Moretto. A., Caniato, F., 2017. “The Supply Chain Finance Offer Archetypes”. In Proceedings: 24th EurOMA conference (Edimburgh), 1-10.
  • Caniato, F., Gelsomino, L. M., Perego, A., & Ronchi, S. (2016). Does finance solve the supply chain financing problem?. Supply chain management: an international journal, 21(5), 534-549.
  • Gelsomino, L. M., Mangiaracina, R., Perego, A., & Tumino, A. (2016). Supply chain finance: a literature review. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 46(4), 348-366.
  • elsomino, L. M., Mangiaracina, R., Perego, A., & Tumino, A. (2014). Introducing a financial perspective in Supply Chain Management: a literature review on Supply Chain Finance. In XIX Summer School Francesco Turco “A challenge for the future: the role of industrial engineering in a global sustainable economy(pp. 1-6).
  • Caniato, F., Gelsomino, L., Maestrini, V., Moretto, A., Perego, A., Ronchi, S., 2016. The benefits of supply chain finance: a value assessment model. In Proceedings: 23rd EurOMA conference (Trondheim), 1-10.
  • Caniato, F., Gelsomino, L., Maestrini, V., Moretto, A., Perego, A., Ronchi, S., 2016. The Cost of Supply Chain Finance: a Total Cost of Ownership Approach. In Proceedings: 25TH IPSERA CONFERENCE – 2016 – DORTMUND, 1- 15.
  • Reports of Supply Chain Finance Observatory available here: https://www.osservatori.net/it_it/osservatori/supply-chain-finance


  • Academic: Windesheim University of Applied Science (NL), Fraunhofer Institute for Material flow and Logistics IML (DE), Warwick Business School (UK), University of St. Gallen (CH), University of Gothenburg (SE)
  • Institutional: ACMI, ADACI, AITI, Assolombarda, Assifact, CNDCEC, Confindustria Bergamo, Consorzio Dafne