MIP’s reponse to COVID-19 : find here many FAQ’s that can help you to understand how MIP is managing activities, the new kick-off dates of our International master programs, as well as many useful information about your arrival in Milan.

MIP’s reponse to COVID-19 : find here many FAQ’s that can help you to understand how MIP is managing activities, the new kick-off dates of our International master programs, as well as many useful information about your arrival in Milan.
Illimity, the high-tech banking group founded and led by Corrado Passera, has established the illimity academy, the corporate business school whose objective is to create high-level economic and financial educational paths for new professionals in the credit sector through teaching programmes and training in the field.
The illimity academy’s first master is dedicated to credit management and its structure has been developed together with the MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business, which also has responsibility for scientific guidance. The aim of the course, which will start in September 2020, is to develop new generation Credit Managers with the characteristics sought by neprix, the servicer specialising in managing illimity’s corporate distressed loans.
The course, which combines a paid internship with direct tuition by a team of lecturers with a background in the academic and consultancy world as well as members of illimity management, will have a duration of six months and accommodate 25 students who are about to graduate in the humanities or science or have just graduated in those areas and been awarded a degree (bachelor’s or master’s) not more than one year earlier.
At the end of the course students who stand out for ability, motivation and potential will be offered a permanent position as Junior Asset Manager.
Selection will take place in two stages: candidates must firstly send their applications and a motivational video to www.illimity.com/mastercredito by 30 June, while during the second stage selected candidates will be interviewed to assess their skills and potential and to determine whether their profile is in line with illimity’s values and business culture.
The selected students will attend the course on a daily basis, this alternately involving classroom teaching (400 hours) and tuition at illimity’s offices where the internship will take place (540 hours).
The illimity Group will bear the majority of costs for the Master, which amount to €10,000 + VAT per student. Participants will be asked to make a contribution of €2,000 + VAT, which will then be reimbursed if they are hired. Study grants will also be available and the internship will be fully remunerated (€700 gross a month plus luncheon vouchers).
Marco Russomando, Head of Human Resources at illimity, stated: “We have decided to champion the illimity academy as a means once again of investing in talented young women and men and training people in the skills of the future. People are our real strength and resource in illimity, and the numbers go to show that: after little more than a year we can already count on 500 illimiters of all ages, people with a background in 120 different sectors, arriving from 19 countries and having an average age of 36. We have always set our sights on young people, right from our beginnings, and want to continue in this direction. It therefore gives us great pleasure to undertake this journey and arouse interest and readiness in the academic world, starting with a top-level partner such as MIP Politecnico di Milano”.
Laura Grassi, MIP lecturer in finance and scientific director for the Master stated: “Concentrating on continuous training, selecting young talents, promoting the company’s business and involving the very managers who will lead the change are the distinctive features of this course. One in which MIP, the Politecnico di Milano’s business school, has made its expertise and know-how available and put its belief in the collaborative spirit of an initiative where teachers at key Italian universities will alternate in the classroom with renowned professionals and illimity top management”.