Quadrini Walter

| Tecnologo

Short Profile outline

Walter Quadrini holds a Master of Science degree in Automation and Control Engineering and carries out his research activities at the Industry4.0Lab, focusing on the “horizontal and vertical integration” manufacturing topic, with a particular interest in upgrading existing production lines with additional robotic hardware and software architectures, to enhance the potential of the production data in the framework of the so-called “Industry4.0”. He has been involved in industrial, regional, national, and European projects, such as L4MS, FASTEN, BOOST4.0, and MARKET4.0 as well as in several activities developed within the domain of EIT Manufacturing.

Master of Science: Automation and Control Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.


Research interests: Industrial Engineering, Technology Transfer, Software Architectures, Vertical Integration

Research projects: L4MS, FENIX, BOOST4.0, SMART4CPPS, LIFT Europe, CanvAAS, MARKET4.0, CanvAAS2, Power LIFT, HUBCAP

Supervisor: Prof. Luca Fumagalli

Relevant Publications

Quadrini W. Negri E. Fumagalli L., "Open interfaces for connecting automated guided vehicles to a fleet management system", Procedia Manufacturing, 42, 406-413

Accreditations, Rankings & Memberships
