Gabriele Boccoli

Core Faculty | Junior Assistant Professor

Short Profile outline

Gabriele Boccoli is a Junior Assistant Professor at the School of Management at the Politecnico di Milano and a researcher within the Joint Research Platform "People Analytics for Employee Engagement & Wellbeing".


PHD: Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Master of Science: Sociology and Social Research, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.

Relevant Publications

Boccoli G. Gastaldi L. and Corso M. , "Frequent is better when remote? How digitally mediated interactions with supervisor stimulate work engagement and extra-role performances of remote workers", Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 42, 163-183

Boccoli G. Gastaldi L. and Corso M. , "Transformational leadership and work engagement in remote work settings: the moderating role of the supervisor’s digital communication skills", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 45, 1240-1257

Boccoli G. Tims M. Gastaldi L. Corso M. , "The psychological experience of flexibility in the workplace: How psychological job control and boundary control profiles relate to the wellbeing of flexible workers", Journal of Vocational Behavior, 15, 1-18

Boccoli G. Gastaldi L. & Corso M., "The Evolution of Employee Engagement: Towards a Social and Contextual Construct for Balancing Individual Performance and Wellbeing Dynamically. ", International Journal of Management Reviews, 25, 75-98

Boccoli G. Sestino A. Gastaldi L. & Corso M., "The impact of autonomy and temporal flexibility on individuals' psychological well-being in remote settings.", Sinergie Italian Journal of Management, 40, 327-349

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