Luca Grilli

Core Faculty | Full Professor

Short Profile outline

Luca Grilli is Full Professor in Business and Management Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano where he teaches several courses of Business and Industrial Economics at graduate and post-graduate levels. He has participated in numerous scientific projects, promoted by private institutions, Italian public regulatory agencies, research institutions and the European Commission. He has published articles in many international scientific journals (a snapshot of the most relevant is offered below in the dedicated section) and acted as an editor for books and journal special issues. A complete cv is downloadable in the personal webpage of the Polimi website (see the link on the right).


PHD: Economics, Università di Siena.

Master of Science: Economics, Università di York.

Academic course held at SOM

Business & Industrial Economics

Business & Industrial Economics

Business & Industrial Economics

Business & Industrial Economics

Business & industrial economics

Economia dei servizi e delle reti I

Business & industrial economics

Economia dei servizi e delle reti I

Business & industrial economics

Economia dei servizi e delle reti I

Business & industrial economics

Economia dei servizi e delle reti I

Business & industrial economics

Economia dei servizi e delle reti I

Business & industrial economics

Economia dei servizi e delle reti I

Academic publishing

Academic Publishing

Academic Publishing

Academic publishing

Academic Publishing

Academic publishing

Academic publishing

Academic publishing

Academic publishing

Academic publishing





His main research interests revolve around three areas: the economics of innovative entrepreneurship (major), the economics of network industries (minor) and the intersection between the two.

Relevant Publications

Pedota M.| Grilli L.| Piscitello L. (2021), "Technological paradigms and the power of convergence", Industrial and Corporate Change, 30, 1633-1654

Audretsch D.| Colombelli A.| Grilli L.| Minola T.| Rasmussen E. (2020), "Innovative start-ups and policy initiatives", Research Policy

Colombelli A.| Grilli L.| Minola T.| Mrkajic B. (2020), "To what extent do young innovative companies take advantage of policy support to enact innovation appropriation mechanisms?", Research Policy, 49

Di Pietro F.| Grilli L.| Masciarelli F. (2020), "Talking about a revolution? Costly and costless signals and the role of innovativeness in equity crowdfunding", Journal of Small Business Management

Garrone P.| Grilli L.| Marzano R. (2020), "Incentives to water conservation under scarcity: Comparing price and reward effects through stated preferences", Journal of Cleaner Production, 244

Grilli L.| Jensen P.H.| Murtinu S.| Park H.D. (2020), "A close look at the contingencies of founders’ effect on venture performance", Industrial and Corporate Change, 29, 997-1020

Bertoni Fabio;D'Adda Diego;Grilli Luca, "Self-selection of entrepreneurial firms in thin venture capital markets: Theory and empirical evidence", STRATEGIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP JOURNAL, 13, 47-74

Grilli Luca, "There Must be an Angel? Local Financial Markets, Business Angels and the Financing of Innovative Start-ups", REGIONAL STUDIES, 53, 620-629

Bertoni F.| D'Adda D.| Grilli L., "Self-selection of entrepreneurial firms in thin venture capital markets: Theory and empirical evidence", Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 13, 47-74

Garrone P.| Grilli L.| Marzano R., "Price elasticity of water demand considering scarcity and attitudes", Utilities Policy, 59

Giraudo E.| Giudici G.| Grilli L., "Entrepreneurship policy and the financing of young innovative companies: Evidence from the Italian Startup Act", Research Policy, 48

Croce A.| Grilli L.| Murtinu S., "Why do entrepreneurs refuse venture capital?", Industry and Innovation, 26, 619-642

Garrone Paola; Grilli Luca; Groppi Angelamaria; Marzano Riccardo , "Barriers and Drivers in the Adoption of Advanced Wastewater Treatment Technologies: a Comparative Analysis of Italian Utilities", JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 171, 69-78

Grilli Luca; Mazzucato Mariana; Meoli Michele; Scellato Giuseppe, "Sowing the Seeds of the Future: Policies for Financing Tomorrow’s Innovations", TECHNOLOGY FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 127, 1-7

Marzano Riccardo; Rougé Charles; Garrone Paola; Grilli Luca; Harou Julien J.; Pulido-Velazquez Manuel, "Determinants of the Price Response to Residential Water Tariffs: Meta-analysis and Beyond", ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING AND SOFTWARE, 101, 236-248

Grilli Luca; Mrkajic Boris; Latifi Gresa, "Venture Capital in Europe: Social Capital, Formal Institutions and Mediation Effects", SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 51, 393-410

Economidou Claire; Grilli Luca; Henrekson Magnus; Sanders Mark, "Financial and Institutional Reforms for an Entrepreneurial Society: Introduction to the Special Issue", SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 51, 279-291

Grilli Luca; Murtinu Samuele, "Selective Subsidies, Entrepreneurial Founders’ Human Capital and Access to R&D Alliances", RESEARCH POLICY, 47, 1945-1963

Garrone Paola; Grilli Luca; Mrkajic Boris, "The Role of Institutional Pressures in the Introduction of Energy-Efficiency Innovations", BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, 27, 1245-1257

Cumming Douglas J.;Grilli Luca;Murtinu Samuele, "Governmental and independent venture capital investments in Europe: A firm-level performance analysis", JOURNAL OF CORPORATE FINANCE, 42, 439-459

Bertoni Fabio;D'Adda Diego;Grilli Luca, "Cherry-picking or Frog-kissing? A Theoretical Analysis of how Investors Select Entrepreneurial Ventures in Thin Venture Capital Markets", SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 46, 391-405

Grilli Luca;Murtinu Samuele, "New Technology-based Firms in Europe: Market Penetration, Public Venture Capital, and Timing of Investment", INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE, 24, 1109-1148

Grilli Luca;Murtinu Samuele, "Government, venture capital and the growth of European high-tech entrepreneurial firms", RESEARCH POLICY, 43, 1523-1543

Colombo Massimo G.;Grilli Luca, "The creation of a middle-management level by entrepreneurial ventures: Testing economic theories of organizational design", JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENT STRATEGY, 22, 390-422

Colombo Massimo G.;Giannangeli S.;Grilli Luca, "Public subsidies and the employment growth of high-tech start-ups: assessing the impact of selective and automatic support schemes", INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE, 22, 1273-1314

Bertoni Fabio; Colombo Massimo G.; Grilli Luca, "Venture Capital Investor Type and the Growth Mode of New Technology-based Firms", SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 40, 527-552

Bertoni Fabio; Colombo Massimo G.; Grilli Luca, "Venture Capital and the Growth of High-tech Start-ups: Disentangling Treatment from Selection Effects", RESEARCH POLICY, 40, 1028-1043

Grilli Luca, "When the Going gets Tough, do the Tough get Going? The Pre-entry Work Experience of Founders and High-tech Start-up Survival during an Industry Crisis", INTERNATIONAL SMALL BUSINESS JOURNAL, 29, 626-647

Colombo Massimo G.; Grilli Luca, "On Growth Drivers of High-tech Start-ups: Exploring the Role of Founders’ Human Capital and Venture Capital", JOURNAL OF BUSINESS VENTURING, 25, 610-626

Colombo Massimo G.; Grilli Luca; Murtinu Samuele; Piva Evila, "Effects of International R&D Alliances on Performance of High-tech Start-ups: a Longitudinal Analysis", STRATEGIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP JOURNAL, 3, 346-368

Colombo Massimo G.; Grilli Luca, "Funding Gaps? Access to Bank Loans by High-Tech Start-ups", SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 29, 25-46

Colombo Massimo G.; Grilli Luca; Piva Evila, "In Search of Complementary Assets: the Determinants of Alliance Formation of High-tech Start-ups", RESEARCH POLICY, 35, 1166-1199

Colombo Massimo G.; Grilli Luca, "Founders’ Human Capital and the Growth of New Technology-based Firms: a Competence-based View", RESEARCH POLICY, 34, 795-816

Colombo Massimo G.; Delmastro Marco; Grilli Luca, "Entrepreneurs’ Human Capital and the Start-up Size of New Technology-based Firms", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION, 22, 1183-1211

Grants, Awards and Honours

  • Visiting Professor at SPRU (University of Sussex).
  • Key note speaker at several international conferences.
  • Best paper award at the R&D Management Conference 2018, Milan, 2-4 July 2018.
  • Best paper award Giorgio Pagliarani 2010”, XXI Annual Scientific AiIG Meeting, L'Aquila, Italy 14 October 2010.
  • FIRES: Financial and Institutional Reforms for Entrepreneurial Society- EU H2020- Euro-Society-2014-Type of Action: RIA- Grant no. 649378. Principal Investigator for the Unit of Politecnico di Milano.

Service to the community

  • President of the Graduation Commission (Bachelor and Msc Levels) in Management Engineering of Politecnico di Milano, since 2014.
  • Member - Board of the PhD in Management Engineering - Politecnico di Milano, since 2012.
  • Member - Steering Committe of the PhD in Management Engineering - Politecnico di Milano, since 2019.
  • Member - National Committee on the “Monitoring and Evaluation of National policies for the Eco-system of Italian Innovative Start-ups” (National law no. 221/2012), appointed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) from 2014 to 2018.
  • Chairman - Jury for the EWB Youth Business Challenge “Start-ups for Sustainable Development Goals” promoted by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) for the years 2017 and 2018.
  • Editor of journal special issues for Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Small Business Economics and Research Policy.
  • Member of the Review Board for Small Business Economics and Journal of Small Business Management; Member of the Advisory Board of Economia e Politica Industriale - Journal of Industrial and Business Economics.
  • Reviewer for several scientific journal, including (among others) Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Corporate Finance, Regional Studies, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal andTechnological Forecasting and Social Change. Reviewer for several international research grants.
  • Referee for national and international research grants.

Accreditations, Rankings & Memberships
