Lucia Tajoli

Core Faculty | Full Professor

Short Profile outline

Faculty Manager GSOM

Lucia Tajoli is Full Professor in Political Economics. She graduated summa cum laude in Economics at Università Bocconi (Italy) in 1988, she received the Diploma in Advanced International Economic Policy Research from the Kiel Institute of World Economics (Germany) in 1991, and she obtained her Ph. D. in Economics at Università Bocconi in 1994. She teaches Economics and International Economics. She collaborates with Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI) in Milan, and with the Italian Trade Agency (ex-ICE). She has frequently been visiting scholar and visiting professor at the Ford School of Public Policy of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA).


PHD: Economics, Università Bocconi.

Master of Science: International Economics, Università Bocconi.

Academic course held at SOM

Economia 1 (Microeconomia)

Economia 2 (Macroeconomia)

Economia 1 (Microeconomia)

Economia 2 (Macroeconomia)

Economia 1 (Microeconomia)

Economia 2 (Macroeconomia)

Economia 1 (Microeconomia)

Economia 2 (Macroeconomia)

Economia 1 (microeconomia)

Economia 1 (microeconomia)





International Markets And European Institutions

International Markets And European Institutions

International Markets And European Institutions

International markets and european institutions

International economics

International markets and european institutions

International markets and european institutions

International markets and european institutions

International markets and european institutions

International economics




Specializing masters


Her research activity focuses on theoretical and empirical issues related to international trade and economic integration among countries, especially through international fragmentation of production, on the growth impact of economic integration, and on trade policy. Her empirical work on international trade relies both on econometrics and network analysis. On these topics she published about one hundred scientific works on national and international journals, in edited volumes with international publishers and in working papers collections.

Relevant Publications

Tajoli L.| Airoldi F.| Piccardi C. (2021), "The network of international trade in services", Applied Network Science, 6

Felice G.| Tajoli L. (2021), "Trade balances and global value chains: Is there a link?", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 59, 228-246

Tantardini M.| Ieva F.| Tajoli L.| Piccardi C., "Comparing methods for comparing networks", Scientific Reports, 9

Tajoli Lucia; Felice Giulia., "Global value chains participation and knowledge spillovers in developed and developing countries: an empirical investigation", European Journal of Development Research, 30, 505-532

Piccardi Carlo; Tajoli Lucia, "Complexity, centralization and fragility in economic networks", Plos One, 13, 1-13

Cingolani I.| Iapadre L.| Tajoli L., "International production networks and the world trade structure", International Economics, 153, 11-33

Piccardi C.| Riccaboni M.| Tajoli L.| Zhu Z., "Random walks on the world input-output network", Journal of Complex Networks, 6, 187-205

De Lombaerde P.| Iapadre L.| McCranie A.| Tajoli L., "Using network analysis to study globalization, regionalization, and multi-polarity - Introduction to special section", Network Science, 6, 494-516

Cingolani Isabella;Panzarasa Pietro;Tajoli Lucia, "Countries’ positions in the international global value networks: Centrality and economic performance", APPLIED NETWORK SCIENCE, 2, 2-21

Piccardi Carlo;Tajoli Lucia, "Are Preferential Agreements Significant for the World Trade Structure? A Network Community Analysis", KYKLOS, 68, 220-239

Lelio Lapadre P.;Tajoli Lucia, "Emerging Countries and Trade Regionalization. A Network Analysis", JOURNAL OF POLICY MODELING, 36, 89-110

Grants, Awards and Honours

  • Senior Research Fellow - ISPI (Istituto di Studi di Politica Internazionale), 01/01/1996 - to date
  • Member of the Scientific Committee - European Trade Study Group, 01/04/2008 - to date
  • Visiting professor European Union Center at University of Michigan, 01/09/2003 - 20/12/2003
  • Visiting professor at the Ford School of Public Policy, 09/01/2012 - 31/10/2012

Accreditations, Rankings & Memberships
