Marika Arena

Core Faculty | Full Professor

Short Profile outline

Director of the BSc and MSc in Management Engineering

Marika Arena, Ph.D. is Full Professor of Accounting Finance and Control at Politecnico di Milano. She is the Director of the Master of Science in Manangement Engineering and she is part of the Board of the Ph.D in Management Engineering.  She's author of over 100 papers published in national and international journals and conference proceedings and book chapters.


PHD: Management Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Master of Science: Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.

Academic course held at SOM

Economia e organizzazione aziendale d

Accounting, Finance & Control

Accounting, Finance & Control

Accounting, Finance & Control

Accounting, Finance & Control

Accounting, finance & control

Accounting, finance & control

Accounting, finance & control

Accounting, finance & control

Management control systems

Accounting, finance & control

Management control systems

Management control systems

Enterprise and operations risk management



Specializing Masters

Executive Education




Specializing masters


Her research interests are articulated along four main streams: Performance measurement and management of complex systems; Change management and innovation processes related of internal auditing and risk management systems in private and public organizations Sustainability strategies and corporate social innovation; Comprehensive engineering for social impact. The research activities in these four areas have been developed through both qualitative and quantitative research methods (case study, action research, survey, sentiment and opinon analysis) and have been often characterized by collaborations with researchers and of other departments and other universities (in Italy and abroad).

Relevant Publications

Arena M.| Azzone G.| Grecchi M.| Piantoni G. (2021), "How can the waste management sector contribute to overcoming barriers to the circular economy?", Sustainable Development, 29, 1062-1071

Arena M.| Azzone G.| Piantoni G. (2021), "Uncovering value creation in innovation ecosystems: paths towards shared value", European Journal of Innovation Management, 25, 432-451

Calissano A.| Vantini S.| Arena M. (2020), "Monitoring rare categories in sentiment and opinion analysis: a Milan mega event on Twitter platform", Statistical Methods and Applications, 29, 787-812

Sinha V.K.| Arena M. (2020), "Manifold Conceptions of the Internal Auditing of Risk Culture in the Financial Sector", Journal of Business Ethics, 162, 81-102

Arena M.| Azzone G.| Piantoni G. (2020), "Shared value creation during site decommissioning: A case study from the energy sector", Journal of Cleaner Production, 251

Arena M.| Azzone G.| Mapelli F., "Corporate Social Responsibility strategies in the utilities sector:A comparative study", Sustainable Production and Consumption, 18, 83-95

Roda I.| Arena S.| Macchi M.| Orrù P.F., "Total Cost of Ownership Driven Methodology for Predictive Maintenance Implementation in Industrial Plants", IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 566, 315-322

Bengo I.| Arena M., "The relationship between small and medium-sized social enterprises and banks", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68, 389-406

Arena Marika;| Azzone Giovanni; Mapelli Federica, "What drives the evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility strategies? An institutional logics perspective", Journal of Cleaner Production, 171, 345-355

Arena Marika; Bengo Irene; Calderini Mario; Chiodo Veronica, "Unlocking finance for social tech start-ups: Is there a new opportunity space?", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 127, 154-165

Dolinayova A.; Masek J.; Kendra M.; Čamaj J.; Grandsart D.; Marlier E.; Colzani P.; Arena Marika; Paragreen J.; Navaratnam P.; Brennan M.; Paleta T., "Research of the passenger's preferences and requirements for the travel companion application", Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018

Arena D.; Perini S.|;Taisch Marco; Kiritsis D., "The Training Data Evaluation Tool: Towards a unified ontology-based solution for industrial training evaluation", Procedia Manufacturing, 23, 219-224

Marotta A.| Studer L.| Marchionni G.| Ponti M.| Gandini P.| Agriesti S.| Arena M., "Possible Impacts of C-ITS on Supply-Chain Logistics System", Transportation Research Procedia, 30, 332-341

Agostino Deborah;Arena Marika;Catalano Giuseppe;Erbacci Angelo, "Public engagement through social media: the spending review experience", PUBLIC MONEY & MANAGEMENT, 37, 55-62

Arena Marika;Arnaboldi Michela;Palermo Tommaso, "The dynamics of (dis)integrated risk management: A comparative field study", ACCOUNTING, ORGANIZATIONS AND SOCIETY, 62, 65-81

Arena Marika;Bengo Irene;Calderini Mario;Chiodo Veronica, "Social Impact Bonds: Blockbuster or Flash in a Pan?", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, 39, 927-939

Arena Marika;Klarskov Jeppesen Kim, "Practice Variation in Public Sector Internal Auditing: An Institutional Analysis", EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW, 25, 319-345

Bengo Irene;Arena Marika;Azzone Giovanni;Calderini Mario, "Indicators and metrics for social business: a review of current approaches", JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP, 7, 1-24

Arena Marika;Azzone Giovanni;Colorni A.;Conte Antonio;Luè A.;Nocerino R., "Service design in electric vehicle sharing: evidence from Italy", IET INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS, 9, 145-155

Arena Marika;Azzone Giovanni;Franchi Federica;Malpezzi Silvia, "Infomobility: a holistic framework for a literature review", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES, 11, 115-135

Agasisti Tommaso;Arena Marika;Catalano Giuseppe;Erbacci Angelo, "Defining spending reviews: a proposal for a taxonomy, with applications to Italy and the UK", PUBLIC MONEY & MANAGEMENT, 35, 423-430

Arena Marika;Sarens Gerrit, "Editorial: Internal Auditing: Creating Stepping Stones for the Future", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUDITING, 19, 131-133

Arena Marika;Azzone Giovanni;Malpezzi Silvia, "Review on the Infomobility Quality - A new framework", IET INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS, 9, 881-886

Arena Marika;Azzone Giovanni;Cagno Enrico;Ferretti G.;Prunotto E.;Silvestri A.;Trucco Paolo, "Integrated Risk Management through dynamic capabilities within project-based organizations: the Company Dynamic Response Map", RISK MANAGEMENT, 15, 50-77

Arena Marika;Azzone Giovanni;Conte Antonio, "A streamlined LCA framework to support early decision making in vehicle development", JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 41, 105-113

Agostino Deborah;Arena Marika;Arnaboldi Michela, "Leading change in public organisations: the role of mediators", LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL, 34, 596-615

Service to the community

  • Programme Director of MSc. Management Engineering
  • Member of the PhD Board - PhD Program in Management Engineering
  • Editor of International Journal of Auditing

Accreditations, Rankings & Memberships
