BSIS Impact Assessment: the School is awarded the prestigious recognition for having generated an impact of academic and social excellence

The School of Management of Politecnico di Milano has successfully completed the BSIS (Business School Impact System) assessment process, confirming its important role at an international level in the academic and social arena.

BSIS is a tool promoted by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) − one of the three most important accreditation bodies in the world − which assesses the impact of business schools on their geographical areas and society as a whole. Through this process, the School has seen its commitment to contributing positively to society through academic, research and collaboration activities with local businesses and institutions certified and measured


BSIS: the essential meaning and value of the process

The BSIS assessment is a crucial tool for assessing the impact of business schools on the surrounding environment and provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the contribution of academic institutions to their socio-economic context.

The impact of business schools is analysed in seven main areasfinancial, including both the school’s direct budget and the indirect financial flow generated in the region; educational, reflecting the influence of programmes on the local management community; business development, including the creation of new businesses and support for existing services; intellectual, through the output of the teaching staff and the contribution to local cultural life; within the regional ecosystem, involving the teaching staff and participants in public life and integration with other institutions; social, relating to CSR policies and sustainable development integrated into teaching and management; and image, assessing the school’s local, national and international reputation and its effect on the impact zone.


The evidence which emerged from the report for our institution

The BSIS assessment recognised the School’s strong capabilities in all the areas considered.

Starting from its product portfolio aligned with the country’s areas of excellence, the School has proven to uniquely integrate management, technology and humanities, thus creating an innovative and stimulating learning environment.

The assessment also highlighted the importance of key projects launched by the School to promote social innovation and address global challenges. Prominent among these projects are “Leave Your Mark”, which gives non-profit organisations the opportunity to benefit from the pro bono work of faculty, alumni and students, and the “Innova Europe” and “SoM Prize for SDGs” challenges, which respectively recognise SDG-based start-ups founded by students and alumni from top European business schools, and the work of our alumni to solve contemporary social challenges.

In addition, the School is actively committed to supporting the fight against climate change and promoting environmental sustainability. Through initiatives such as the financing of projects in countries such as India, Madagascar and Ecuador, and the financial support received from the Italian Ministry of University and Research for the HumanTech − Humans and Technology project, the School is positioned as a reference point in the field of sustainability and innovation.


At the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano, societal impact is a pivotal principle of our vision and mission. Besides being fully aware of our role in society, we already had a comprehensive approach to assessing the impact of our research activities; nevertheless, thanks to the BSIS framework, we realised that there were more dimensions to consider in order to enhance our overall effectiveness in our impact zone.

In this perspective, the recommendations that have emerged from the assessment are very valuable to support our School in implementing new measurement methodologies and activities to reach the ambitious goals we have set in our strategic plan. In this respect, the assessment challenges us to utilise impact measurement to support − and emphasise − our commitment and achievements, thus providing even more consistency to our mission.”

Raffaella Cagliano, Academic Director, School of Management del Politecnico di Milano


Per maggiori informazioni:

Confirmed the EQUIS accreditation of the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano

Created in 1997 as the first global benchmark for international institutional auditing and accreditation, EQUIS is a rigorous tool for assessing and improving quality: our School of Management was first accredited in 2007.  EQUIS joins AMBA and AACSB, the three most prestigious awards that make up the ‘Triple Crown’, achieved by just 100 business schools in the world.


The School of Management of Politecnico di Milano has received reconfirmation of its EQUIS accreditation, first awarded in 2007 by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), thus remaining firmly among the approximately 100 Business Schools in the world that can boast the ‘Triple Crown’, or the three most authoritative global certifications: EQUIS-EFMD Quality Improvement System, AMBA -The Association of MBAs and AACSB – Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, the second two obtained in 2012 and 2021 respectively.

Created in 1997 as the first global benchmark for international institutional auditing and accreditation, while still considering the cultural and regulatory differences of the different countries, EQUIS is a rigorous tool for assessing, accrediting and improving quality in ten key areas, comparing them with international objectives: governance, programmes, students, faculty, research and development, internationalisation, ethics, responsibility, sustainability, connections with practice. True quality consists in trying to do better even when you are already excellent and it is precisely this focus on continuous improvement that is at the heart of EQUIS’s mission, with periodical audits and confirmation of the high level of the member institutes.

The very scrupulous assessment for re-accreditation concerned the School’s strategy, its courses, relations with the main stakeholders (businesses, Alumni, students, Faculty), research and consistency with the broader strategic plan. In particular, EQUIS gives importance to creating effective learning environments that foster students’ managerial and entrepreneurial skills together with their personal growth and sense of global responsibility. There are currently 206 EQUIS accredited schools in 46 countries.

Confirmation of the very high standards that allow us to boast EQUIS accreditation, for the past 15 years, testifies the quality of our teaching, our attention to the needs of students, the quality of our courses increasingly oriented towards sustainability and innovation and above all our achieved, full international dimension ,” says Alessandro Perego, Director of the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano -. For our School, international accreditations are a fundamental and irreplaceable tool for strengthening quality, research and social engagement, in a continuous dialogue with the most innovative global environment in pursuit of excellence.  It is therefore not a point of arrival, but a point of departure for repositioning higher education at the centre of economic and social recovery.”

Vittorio Chiesa and Federico Frattini, respectively President and Dean of MIP Politecnico di Milano, the Graduate School of Business which is part of the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano, also declared themselves very pleased with the certification received: “The renewal of EQUIS accreditation is added to confirmation of our presence in the main global rankings and to a series of awards for the quality of the courses offered to managers and top managers from all over the world. We are aware of the great commitment of our School of Management to the continuous improvement of all aspects of education. For this reason, recognition of the quality of our upskilling and reskilling courses by international certification bodies increases and strengthens our reputation in an increasingly competitive world scenario.”