Digital learning
D HUB, the new MIP digital learning platform, is out! This new tool has been designed to offer a more inclusive learning experience to our students and it sets a new milestone in the digitalization path of the School.
Professor Federico Frattini, Associate Dean of Digital Transformation at MIP, explains: “We noticed a growing need for flexibility. People look for post-graduate, highly personalised courses, grounded in the real world and compatible with work and family commitments. Because of this major change, students are keener to enrol in programs combining on campus activities and digital learning, or even in full digital courses.”
This change did not catch the School unprepared. Indeed, the launch of Flex EMBA, MIP first digitally delivered Executive MBA, dates back to 2014. The first step towards a digital and limitless education experience was done.
Thanks to an innovative digital learning platform, students have the chance to attend classes wherever they are, whenever they like.
Since then, our interest in digital has skyrocketed, becoming an important part of most of our programs, including Specialising Masters or Full Time MBA, traditionally held on campus. Students can now benefit from a complete Digital Experience.
Because of this evolution, a new and state-of-the-art platform was needed. Here it comes D-HUB.
A new design guides students in their studies, recording automatically the user’s progress. An up-to-date library of asynchronous clips offers the chance to students to choose the language of the videos between English and Italian and to show subtitles.
More functions are available, like personalized notifications, a class-chat and the highlight of courses that are propaedeutic to the next live session.
At the beginning of 2020, a new app will offer to our students a more complete learning experience.