QS University Rankings, Politecnico di Milano reaches its highest ever position

The university confirms its position as the number one university in Italy and ranks 111th in the world, gaining 12 positions compared to last year and entering the top 8% worldwide


Politecnico di Milano achieves its highest ever position in the QS World University Ranking 2025. This year, the University is ranked 111th out of a total of 1,503 universities worldwide, climbing an incredible 12 places since last year. The rise in the world’s most important university ranking continues: for the first time ever, Politecnico di Milano enters the top 8% of global universities of excellence.

This result was made possible by important factors that contributed to achieving this position. Politecnico di Milano ranks among the world’s top 100 universities in terms of academic and business reputation. In fact, the University improved its Academic Reputation score from 94th to 90th position. As for the Employer Reputation, on the other hand, the leap corresponds to a whopping 17 places, up to 82nd position.

Positive results were also achieved for the International faculty, with 10 positions gained thanks to internationalisation actions and 251 positions gained for sustainability: this is the effect of the numerous actions carried out over the past year, many of which were promoted by the University’s Strategic Sustainability Plan.

“Politecnico di Milano’s advancement in the QS global ranking is an achievement that rewards the University’s efforts to offer more study and research opportunities for young people, at an increasingly high level. Thanks to our three-year Strategic Plan, we have also gained positions in the area of sustainability: this confirms that the path we have taken is the right one also from the social and environmental impact perspectives”

comments Donatella Sciuto, Rector of Politecnico di Milano.

“A particularly significant fact is that this year, 5,663 universities from 106 countries around the world were analysed, compared to last year’s 2,963. This increase in the number of assessed institutions makes our result even more relevant, as it proves that Politecnico di Milano continues to excel in an increasingly international and competitive environment.”

These data confirm Politecnico di Milano’s outstanding results, ranking among the world’s top 25 universities in Design, Architecture and Engineering, according to the QS World University Rankings by Subjects 2024 published in April. In Design and Architecture, Politecnico ranks 7th; in Engineering, it ranks 23rd.

QS Online MBA Ranking 2024: POLIMI Graduate School of Management ranks first in the world for quality of faculty and teaching

In the overall ranking, the Business School, an integral part of the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano, ranks fifth in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and eighth worldwide.


The QS Online MBA Ranking 2024, the periodic ranking by Quacquarelli Symonds on the quality of business schools at an international level, confirms the excellence of the teaching provided by POLIMI Graduate School of Management, part of the School of Management – Politecnico di Milano. Thanks to its International Flex MBA (Master in Business Administration) delivered in digital learning, the business school of the Milanese university ranks fifth in the Europe / Middle East / Africa area out of 34 schools evaluated. Globally, however, it ranks eighth out of 102 programmes. The recognition obtained follows by a few weeks the equally significant one obtained by the Financial Times for the same Master.

From the analysis of the individual parameters on which the QS ranking is based, for the second year in a row, POLIMI GSoM emerges as the absolute world and regional (Europe/Middle East/Africa) leader in the Faculty & Teaching criterion, which includes Academic Reputation (quality of lecturers and teaching measured annually by surveys on more than 95,000 academic profiles worldwide), Faculty / Student Ratio (ratio of lecturers to students) and Completion Rate (percentage of students completing the Master’s degree). In these last two indicators, POLIMI GSoM obtained a score of 100/100, thus ranking first again this year and confirming its best result ever since it has been in the ranking.

In addition to the primacy for the quality of Faculty and teaching, QS recognises the quality of the International Flex MBA also for the parameters Class Experience (value and effectiveness of learning) and Employability (graduates’ return to employment) for which it ranks third and sixth respectively in the regional reference area attributed by QS to the School.

Once again this year, our International Flex MBA is confirmed as one of the best in the world, strengthening our School as a global reference point in higher management education and digital learning,” commented Vittorio Chiesa and Federico Frattini, President and Dean respectively of POLIMI Graduate School of Management. ‘The recognition of the quality of our lecturers and teaching, in which we are first in the world according to the opinion of 95,000 international academic profiles, drives us to continue to innovate our teaching offer. Indeed, our aim is to help train a new type of manager who is not only competent from a technical point of view, but also has an understanding of the human and social dynamics that develop in a company. The awards obtained in recent months motivate us to continue along the path we have taken, reinforcing our conviction that the role of our business school is to train new generations of leaders who, through their work, will be able to contribute to building a fairer, more inclusive and responsible society”.

POLIMI Graduate School of Management has been in the QS Online MBA Ranking since 2018, when it entered it directly in 20th place worldwide. Since then, it has always remained in the rankings, ranking in the world’s top 10 already the following year and remaining there in the following years.

Based on one of the most advanced digital learning platforms in the world, POLIMI Graduate School of Management’s International Flex MBA is designed to prepare qualified and motivated managers to lead companies in a market characterised by disruptive and fast-changing technologies. The duration of the Master varies from 15 to 32 months and is accessible to managers with at least 3 years of work experience, also facilitating students with a flexible approach that is perfectly balanced with work commitments.

The POLIMI Graduate School of Management’s training offer of excellence includes around 40 Master’s degrees each year, including 7 MBAs and Executive MBAs, 300 management training programmes, and various tailor-made projects for companies.

Financial Times European Business Schools Ranking 2023: POLIMI Graduate School of Management is among the best business schools in Europe

The Politecnico di Milano Business School is second at European level among those belonging to a technical university according to the FT European Business School Rankings 2023


POLIMI Graduate School of Management – the business school that is part of the Politecnico di Milano School of Management – is once again this year confirmed as one of the top business schools in Europe. According to the Financial Times European Business Schools Rankings 2023, published today, the Politecnico Business School remains stable in second place in Europe among schools belonging to a technical university (namely, Politecnico di Milano), behind only Imperial College Business School (UK). In the general rankings, the Milanese business school ranks 36th out of the 90 classified, thus celebrating its continued presence in the top 40 on the occasion of the 13th year since it entered the rankings for the first time (2010).

“Confirmation of our position at the top of the Financial Times’ European rankings is our reward for the commitment we have made in recent years to renewing our portfolio and the content of our programmes to give our students and the companies with which we collaborate a valuable range of training that distinguishes us in the education landscape”, declared Vittorio Chiesa and Federico Frattini, respectively President and Dean of POLIMI Graduate School of Management. It is a satisfaction that even exceeds our enthusiasm for featuring in the rankings for so many years: above all, we are proud that the basis of this result is our students’ appreciation. Since 2020, around 3,200 people have chosen our Masters and almost 600 companies have been involved as partners in extra-curricular activities. The strength of these connections with the entrepreneurial and productive fabric is demonstrated by post-graduation results that satisfy us even more than any international recognition.”

The excellence of the POLIMI Graduate School of Management’s training courses is also confirmed by the other criteria which, to varying degrees, affect the final score. The EMBA (Executive Master in Business Administration designed for professionals whose career has been under way for at least 6 years) rises to 47th place in the relevant rankings, gaining 7 positions on 2022. There is also improvement in the Salary Increase rating, which is the level of a manager’s pay three years after graduation and the relative difference compared to the pre-Master period: on average, after completing their Master degree, the salary of POLIMI Graduate School of Management alumni increases by 62% for Executive MBAs and almost doubles (+95%) for MBAs, aimed at those with over 3 years of work experience. Among the professors, the level of representation of women (41%) is also good.

Today, the employment rate of a Full-Time MBA student from POLIMI Graduate School of Management three months after graduation is 88%. Over 80% of those who attended an Executive MBA had a career upgrade within two years of completing the Master, while 20% embarked on a career abroad and 6% founded a start-up.

POLIMI Graduate School of Management’s educational portfolio includes approximately 40 Masters degrees, including 7 MBAs and Executive MBAs, over 300 executive open programmes and numerous custom-designed training courses for companies. Each year, it collaborates with more than 100 companies, creating over 180 tailor-made training programmes, providing more than 4,000 hours of training and involving over 30,000 employees.

The Financial Times European Business Schools Rankings 2023 is available here.

World’s Top 2% Scientist 2023: 13 lecturers from the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering in the ranking of the world’s best scientists

The 2023 update of the world ranking of scientists with the highest level of scientific impact has been published based on 2022 data.


The October 2023 update of the World Top 2% Scientists includes 13 of our colleagues among the world’s top scientists.

The World Top 2% Scientists is a ranking developed by Stanford University in collaboration with Elsevier and the global scientific research database ‘Scopus’; it aims to identify, among the approximately 9 million scientists who contribute scientific articles, the top 2% for each discipline in terms of their impact on global scientific research over the past year.

The lecturers who achieved this prestigious award were: Tommaso Agasisti, Enrico Cagno, Massimo Colombo, Antonio Ghezzi, Luca Grilli, Christine Harland, Josip Kotlar, Giorgio Locatelli, Marco Macchi, Elisa Negri, Paolo Rosa, Massimo Tavoni and Sergio Terzi.


For the complete list: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/6

Financial Times Rankings – Masters in Management 2023

The Master of Science in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano has climbed to 77th place in the Financial Times Rankings of Masters in Management 2023, gaining 7 positions compared to 2022.


The Master of Science in Management Engineering of the School of Industrial and Information Engineering at Politecnico di Milano confirms once again this year its inclusion in the “Masters in Management 2023” Ranking, thus obtaining further recognition from the Financial Times.
Despite the entry of 21 new schools, the Programme has gained 7 positions compared to 2022 and has thus raised to 70th place, taking Politecnico among the top 9 technical universities.

The criteria that have made this advancement possible include, among others, Weighted Salary, Salary Increase, Value for Money – the quality-price ratio of the Programme – and International Course experience – calculated based on the number of exchanges and internships with one-month minimum duration in locations other than that of the School.

Politecnico’s Laurea Magistrale/Master of Science in Management Engineering has about 900 students admitted each year, of which around 20 per cent are international students.

Teaching is delivered in English and there also numerous opportunities for student international exchanges and mobility: the Erasmus Programme, Double Degree programmes in collaboration with prestigious foreign universities, and special programmes of varying duration from a few days up to one-year exchanges.

Each year more than 350 students decide to try an experience abroad and just as many students are accepted on exchange, making our Campus increasingly international.

The combination of the experiences and skills provided and the constant demand from the world of labour for Management Engineers make this Master of Science one of the best programmes in the field of economic and management education.

QS World University Ranking: our best result ever


The Politecnico di Milano is the first university in Italy and the 123rd in the world, gaining 16 positions compared to last year


The Politecnico di Milano achieves its highest-ever position in the QS World University Ranking. This year, the university is ranked 123rd out of 1,500 universities worldwide, climbing an incredible 16 places since last year. Its ascent up the world’s most important university ranking thus continues. For the first time, the Politecnico enters the world’s top 9% of excellent universities.

This result was made possible by important factors that contributed to achieving this position. Our University ranks among the world’s top 100 universities in terms of academic and business reputation. The university improved its Academic Reputation score from 96th to 94th position.

Internationalisation indicators, such as the number of international faculty staff and international students, also did well for Politecnico. Of particular note is the high score achieved in this year’s International Research Network indicator, which assesses the level of international collaboration in scientific research.

These data confirm Politecnico di Milano’s outstanding results, ranking among the world’s top 20 universities in Design, Architecture and Engineering, according to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023 published in March. In Design and Architecture, it ranks 8th and 10th. In Engineering, it ranks in the top 20 worldwide, coming in at 18th position.

For more information: https://www.polimi.it/en/opening/opening-details/home/qs-university-ranking-our-best-result-ever

6 scientists from the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering in the World’s Top 2% Scientist ranking

They have been identified among over 8 and a half million researchers whose scientific authority is globally recognised


Enrico Cagno, Vittorio Chiesa, Massimo Colombo, Christine Harland, Giorgio Locatelli, John Rodney Turner: these are the 6 professors of the Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering included in the World’s Top 2% Scientist ranking, the global ranking of the scientists with the highest level of scientific productivity, drawn up by Stanford University in collaboration with Elsevier and the worldwide scientific research database ‘Scopus‘.

The ranking is the result of a bibliometric study, a discipline that uses mathematical and statistical techniques to analyse the quantity, quality and diffusion of publications within scientific communities. The authors analysed data relating to over 8 and a half million researchers from universities and research centres throughout the world. Among them, approximately 195,000 scientists stood out for their scientific authority and currently represent the best 2%.

Approximately 5,000 of these work (or have worked for the majority of their careers) in Italy, 185 of whom at Politecnico di Milano. Compare the downloadable data using this link

The citations and the relative h-index (an index that measures the productivity and scientific impact of an author, based on both the number of publications and the number of citations received) are evaluated for each researcher. The ranking also indicates the scientific discipline, ranging from astrophysics to zoology, and the respective ranking, according to a classification of the author’s profile obtained using advanced machine learning techniques to produce comparable results across different scientific areas.


For the complete list:


QS Online MBA Ranking 2023: POLIMI Graduate School of Management is fourth in Europe with the International Flex MBA

The School of Management of Politecnico di Milano flies to fourth place in the European rankings and is placed first for the quality of Faculty and Teaching


The QS Online MBA Rankings: Europe 2023, Quacquarelli Symonds’ periodic classification of the quality of business schools at international level, has confirmed the excellence of POLIMI Graduate School of Management. Thanks to its International Flex MBA (Master in Business Administration) delivered in digital learning, the Milanese University’s business school is fourth in Europe out of 26 schools evaluated. Furthermore, particularly outstanding is the International Flex MBA’s placement as 1st at European level with respect to the “Faculty & Teaching” criterion (with the quality of lecturers and teaching measured annually by surveys on more than 100,000 academic profiles worldwide), achieving the best result ever since the school entered the league table.

From an analysis of the individual parameters on which the ranking is based, in addition to the European record for the quality of Faculty and Teaching, the parameters of Employability and Class Experience are also highlighted.  As regards Employability, POLIMI GSoM ranks 5th in Europe, whereas the Milan University’s business school is placed 3rd for the value of the Class Experience, understood as the digital learning experience offered to participants.

“This recognition comes just a few weeks after that of the Financial Times; being placed among the top European business schools with our digitally taught Executive MBA also by the authoritative QS rankings once again certifies our leadership in the field of innovation and digitalisation of management training”, remarked Vittorio Chiesa and Federico Frattinirespectively President and Dean of POLIMI Graduate School of Management. “The first place in Europe for the quality of our Faculty and Teaching is a historic achievement, which can only make us proud as it contributes to further enhancing the reputation enjoyed by our school.”

POLIMI Graduate School of Management has appeared in the QS Online MBA Rankings since 2018, when it entered directly in 20th place in the world. Since then it has remained a constant in the classification, already featuring in the top 10 in the following year, remaining there also in each subsequent year. If we consider that 2023 is the year in which the QS rankings have classified the largest number of business schools ever, this year’s result is the best since the Milanese business school entered the rankings.

Powered by one of the most advanced digital learning platforms in the world, POLIMI Graduate School of Management’s International Flex MBA is designed to prepare qualified and motivated managers to lead businesses in a market of disruptive and rapidly evolving technologies. The duration of the Master varies from 15 to 32 months and is accessible to managers with at least 3 years of work experience, also facilitating students with a flexible method and in perfect balance with work commitments.

POLIMI Graduate School of Management’s excellent educational portfolio includes approximately 40 Masters annually, including 7 MBAs and Executive MBAs, 300 management training programmes and various tailor-made projects for companies.

Financial Times: Polimi Graduate School of Management continues to climb the rankings of best business schools in europe

Politecnico di Milano’s Business School is second in Europe among the schools belonging to “technical” universities, says the Financial Times in its European Business School Ranking 2022.


Milan, 5 December 2022 – POLIMI Graduate School of Management further improves its position among the foremost business schools in Europe again this year. According to the Financial Times European Business Schools Ranking 2022, published today, Politecnico di Milano’s Business School has confirmed its second place in Europe among the best business schools belonging to a technical university (Politecnico di Milano) behind only Imperial College Business School (UK). The excellent quality of the programmes offered at POLIMI Graduate School of Management is additionally reflected in its progress within the general ranking, where the Milan-based business school is now 31st out of the 95 classified, climbing 6 places from last year. In five years (from 2017), the School has gained 11 places, recording its best result since 2010, the year it entered the rankings, when 75 business schools were included in the classification.

“We are delighted about this new recognition included in such eminent league tables as those published every year by the Financial Times. This endorsement came at the end of 2022, a year full of changes for our School, including a new name and brand, and the inauguration of our new Navigli Campus in the heart of Milan”, said Vittorio Chiesa and Federico Frattini, President and Dean of POLIMI Graduate School of Management, respectively. “To cap this, our Master in Business Administration (MBA) – which was completely overhauled last year – and our Executive Education programmes have also improved their standings in the FT Rankings. Our success in Executive Education is the incentive to continue working closely at the side of companies, to respond to their needs in education and training with first-class programmes that are in line with the skills that today’s and tomorrow’s leaders must have in this period of transition and transformation.

A closer look at the rankings shows the position of individual programmes offered at the School. Our MBA (Master in Business Administration) is in 25th place, up by 9 places on 2021, and EMBA (Executive Master in Business Administration) reconfirms its 54th place. Taking the individual criteria that affect the School’s general position in the rankings, a point worth mentioning is the improvement in Salary Increase, which is the amount paid to managers three years after they complete their course and how this compares to their earnings beforehand. On average, the salary of POLIMI Graduate School of Management alumni rises by 59% post Executive MBA and by 94% post MBA.

Executive Education has also improved its position against last year.

In the Financial Times Ranking Top 10, limited to the business schools in the POLIMI GSoM “model”, in other words, those that are part of a technical university, Politecnico di Milano’s School of Business is placed ahead of Aalto University (Finland), TUM School of Management (Germany) and Institut Mines – Telecom Business School (France).

POLIMI Graduate School of Management has an educational portfolio of excellence, with about 40 Masters, including 7 MBAs and Executive MBAs, more than 200 open executive programmes and a series of training programmes customised for companies. Every year, the School works with 100+ companies, preparing 180+ customised educational programmes and delivering 4,000+ hours of teaching for 30,000+ company employees.


Online MBA Rankings 2022: MIP Politecnico di Milano among the best in the world

The Financial Times and QS Quacquarelli Symonds place the International Flex MBA at Politecnico di Milano’s School of Management among the world’s best once more this year, ranking it 6th and 11th, respectively.

MIP Politecnico di Milano, the Graduate School of Business at Politecnico di Milano’s School of Management, has received two major international recognitions, underlining the quality of its digital learning education. Two of the most authoritative certifying bodies have underscored the excellence of the School’s International Flex MBA on the international stage.

According to the FT Online MBA Ranking 2022, MIP’s online MBA has climbed two places this year, and is now ranked 6th in the world, one of a select group of outstanding MBA programmes taught in distance learning. The highly respected British newspaper now ranks MIP up in 4th place in Europe, confirming its position as the only Italian business school to be included in this exclusive classification.

And this is not the only acknowledgement awarded to MIP’s online MBA. The QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) Online MBA Ranking 2022 has also certified its value, placing the MBA at 11th place in the world.

Vittorio Chiesa and Federico Frattini, the President and the Dean of MIP, stated: “We are delighted and immensely proud of the excellent placings achieved this year by one of our flagship MBAs. Ever since we launched the first edition of our Flex MBA in digital learning, back in 2014, we have been hard at work to improve the quality of our distance teaching. It needs experience and knowledge in educational design to come up with a good online programme and implement it satisfactorily. It also needs teachers ready to work within a flexible and inclusive approach to teaching. Technology is a great enabler for rethinking the way we all teach and learn.”

MIP’s International MBA is based on one of the most advanced digital learning platforms in the world, developed on Microsoft technology, and was the first distance learning programme to be launched in Italy, at a time when there still a big question mark over the model of digital learning.

Returning to the subject of the FT rankings, from an analysis of the individual parameters used to determine scores, a standout factor for MIP is its continuous commitment to sustainability, strengthening the School’s B Corp identity and its status as the first and only business school in Europe to bear this certification. Looking at the environmental, social and governance (ESG) rank (which takes in how many teaching hours in core courses are spent on ethical, social and environmental issues), MIP’s MBA is placed 3rd in the world. The results for career progress are also highly significant, increasingly indicating that MIP is the gold standard for continuous learning offered to top company managers.

Access the Financial Times Online MBA 2022 here

Access the QS ONLINE MBA RANKING 2002 here