Edtech moves up the learning curve

Education technology – or the use of information and communications technology to facilitate, enrich and in some cases replace traditional forms of learning – is a hot topic with educators and investors alike.

As massive open online courses (MOOC) continue to sprout up, in many cases attracting students who may not otherwise have the possibility to study, educators also debate the extent technology can be used to improve the learning experience and the best way to do that in the traditional classroom setting.

Investors have also targeted so-called edtech, or edutech, opportunities. According to data from the Hack Education site, which tracks developments in the sector, a total of $3.48 billion was invested around the world last year in edtech while the business also saw four mergers, four IPOs and 86 acquisitions. Metaari, a Seattle-based research firm, placed the value of global “learning technology” investments last year at a whopping $9.5 billion, although its definition of just what falls into the edtech basket is far broader than most of  its peers.

While people may disagree on just what edtech is and thus, the extent of the edtech investment boom, there appears to be more agreement on where the funds are going. Topping the list is the United States, while investments in China and India are rising dramatically as investors seek to tap into the vast user bases in both countries and an appetite for new investments in education. While edtech progress in Europe, underpinned by the UK and Scandinavian countries, has been generally slower, there are a growing number of initiatives throughout the Old Continent. In edtech hotspots around the world, schools are increasingly playing a direct role in shaping educational platforms from elementary to university level.

And while there may be much talk of edtech today, it’s hardly a new phenomenon. MIT professor Seymour Papert talked about the benefits of edtech half a century ago. “With computers, there is a substantially bigger chance that you can lead the child with less effort into something he really likes doing,” Papert said in a 1970 interview with Computer Decision. “The intersection with the set of fun things with the set of educational things is sufficiently big so that you should be able to keep every student internally motivated.”

To be sure, technology and edtech have both advanced by leaps and bounds over the decades – go back to the ‘80s and edtech largely meant bulky personal computers, floppy discs and rudimentary programmes – although helping to keep students motivated is still one of the major aims of edtech today.

As edtech proponents look to the use of cutting-edge technologies like virtual reality, artificial intelligence (AI) is already carving out an important role in the edtech space, a trend that is expected to continue in the future. Its most common use today is in personalised learning programmes, with data collected on the individual allowing for a customised approach based on factors such as the speed of a student’s learning, method of study, goals and personal interests. Along with this comes personalised feedback, allowing for adjustments when learning is not progressing as planned.

Among those that have invested heavily in personalised learning is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which cites the potential for a massive reduction in dropout rates. Edtech also offers an upside to star students, who may progress at a faster pace. High-profile initiatives also include the new FLEXA digital platform created by Microsoft and MIP – the Graduate School of Business of Politecnico di Milano – which provides students and other users with tailor-made digital contents to improve the learning process and help close the gap between their expertise and desired career goals. This is done while enabling collaborative learning and skill building with other platform users and facilitating connections with mentors and job recruiters.


We are delighted to inform you that the new School of Management website is online.

The aim of this website is to present the School, highlighting the distinctive features of its two core structures, DIG and MIP. We will therefore be giving centre stage to both the research and training services and all the events aimed at the Community.

The site has a strong editorial line, which will help us to develop our expertise through the sharing of research content, the Faculty’s contributions and the success stories of students and alumni. We think that this represents a further step forward for the School of Management, in line with the process of integration between the School’s two souls, which has now been under way for some years. From today, our visibility on the international scene as a single entity will be even more apparent.

It is also with this idea in mind that we have decided to create a Chinese version of the site, and this will be available in a few months’ time.

Welcome to our School, welcome to our brand-new website

Alessandro Perego, Academic Director – Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering

Andrea Sianesi, Dean – MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business


Desperately wanted: Big Data Analysts

From your smartphone connection to the GPS on your company car via social media, your supermarket loyalty card and cookies on your PC: you’ve surely realised that in every moment of our lives we’re being observed by a great IT eye in the sky which tracks every aspect of our daily routines.

Our buying, consumption and lifestyle habits are constantly being monitored by the companies that accompany us through our day. This monitoring produces an enormous amount of information on us, on our desires and on our movements.

So where does this data end up and what’s its purpose?

The glut of information companies gather on the habits of their customers or users is known as Big Data in business jargon.
It represents a wealth of knowledge that could be used to accurately predict the future and help companies to improve the quality of the products and services they offer on a daily basis.

Could be used, if it weren’t for the lack of professionals on the labour market with the necessary training to analyse the data and turn the numbers into facts, thus painting a truer picture of customers who – unknowingly – have left vital clues along the way.
Is all this really possible?
Absolutely. Let’s take a look at the stats:

Accenture calculates that in the US alone, there are over 30,000 Big Data Analysts available;
Mckinsey estimates that in 2018 there’ll be a 50/60% disparity between supply and demand when it comes to experts in the analysis and evaluation of Big Data;
The European Data Science Academy states that by 2020, demand for Big Data Analysts in Europe will increase by 160%.

But which companies are looking for Big Data professionals?

The first thing you need to know is that the analysis of data and information is a cross-market priority. Indeed, the sectors looking to become masters of the Big Data universe range from telecommunications – which uses the information to locate client and better interact with them – to healthcare, which uses Big Data to deploy ad-hoc services designed to fit client needs.

The search for these so-called data sciences isn’t confined to a particular size of company either. For SMEs, Big Data represents an extraordinary opportunity to take a leap forward and become more competitive, while colossuses like LinkedIn, Google, Amazon and Boston Consulting Group are always on the look-out for talented professionals in the field.

So what do you do?

A great way to ride the wave of the trend and successfully launch yourself onto the work market is undoubtedly to invest in specialized training such as MIP International Master in Business Analytics and Big Data or to undertake the MBA program with an ad-hoc Big Data Management Bootcamp.

Honing your skills in the area means you’ll become a sought-after resource – and a very precious one at that.

Someone who can vouch for that is MIP MBA student Pradeep Bhat, who – thanks to the Big Data Analytics courses offered by the Italian business school – landed a summer internship at IBM Business Analytics, supporting financial services companies trying to increase sales.

It’s an example of an innovative experience designed to prepare you for future challenges and direct your professional career towards fertile ground, as Pradeep Bhat himself confirms:

“It was exciting for me to be a part of a new era of computing systems […] It helped me shift the direction of my career”.

An incredible opportunity you can’t afford to miss out on!

Managing work, being a mother and a student, on the i-Flex EMBA program


We all like to say: “If I had had more time then I would have read more/ worked out in the gym/ spent more time with friends or family/ participated in social projects/ made a dream come true/ learned new things… “

And then your baby is born…Boom!

And you start saying that now you’re totally out time… It’s true, now you have an official excuse to skip a lot of tasks, postpone your dreams and goals and just be a parent.
But, do you know what? I think that all this time-related stuff is just a type of procrastination, just a pretext to enable ourselves to be lazy when no-one can see us. I think that by using this excuse, people think that they look very important to others. However, in the end all of us spend a lot of time (masses!) on totally unimportant time wasters like Facebook, Instagram, PC games, YouTube, TV shows, etc.

Your counterargument may be the need to have some rest and do social activities. But let’s be honest, we could spend our time in a higher quality way with more positive outcomes than most of us do.
When my husband and I decided to do an MBA diploma we were already young parents of a beautiful four-month-old baby girl. At the time I was already the COO of an outsourcing company and I continued working remotely while being on maternity leave.

It is only a matter of time management

Attending a full-time MBA was not an option since, apart from the parenting, there are no accredited EMBA programs in Ukraine. So when we found the i-Flex program with distance learning for an Executive MBA it was like hitting the jackpot. We decided to enrol together and this is how we became student-parents.
My interview with MIP was really extraordinary. On the day of the interview, I came into the office in order to have the proper environment and atmosphere.

Our office is located in a Business Centre in the heart of a city. The call had just started when the Business Centre’s alarm went off with an announcement of a bomb threat in the building. I think that Maria Carulli, who was conducting the interview on behalf of MIP, was shocked. Since this was not the first threat of its kind, however, I told her that we could proceed.

I think that in this, I really showed myself to be a person who can handle stress.
There is no secret to managing work as a COO, being a mother and a student on the i-Flex EMBA program because it is only a question of time management, avoiding some time wasters (I am still working on this) and scheduling priorities.

How to study while working

So, how do I manage to study while working? I usually study early in the morning before everyone wakes up (from 5-6 a.m. until 7-8 a.m. depending on my schedule) or in the evening, after the baby has gone to bed. Also, I have optimized my time schedule at work so as to give me the opportunity to spend some time at work studying – for instance, during lunchtime.

Here I would like to give huge thanks to my trusted team, which I can rely on at any time.

An important part of my life is being a mother to my baby, Kira, who is my heart and soul. She has become used to staying with her nanny while I am at work, but I manage my schedule in such a way as to be able to spend all my free time with her without being distracted by a phone full of e-mails, messages and social networks. Also, Kira travels with me on all my business trips. It is challenging but I feel less stressed when I know that my baby is next to me.

I continue to work out in the gym three times a week, plus twice a week I go the pool with Kira. I try to visit different exhibitions, usually at weekends, which I plan really thoroughly so as not to waste even a minute. I am currently having weekly coaching sessions at 10 p.m. I certainly try to get no less than six hours’ sleep a night. What I miss is reading fiction. I really try to find time for reading but it is one thing that I have been compromising on for some time.
It looks as if I am managing to do everything – however, I feel that I am not managing to do anything at all. What I feel is that 24 hours is not as short a time as it seems. I am learning to fit in all my plans and hoping to upgrade this skill to perfection soon and use it – even after graduation – for good.

5 important lessons I learnt during my i-Flex experience


I can’t believe it has been 18 months now, since the first day we met in Milan for the kick-off week. Doing an MBA is a decision that really changed my life in both a personal and a professional way, and I want to share the top 5 things that this program brought me:


1. It is not just a network, it is a group of friends and colleagues

Being part of a mixed group of people, working in many different fields and with different areas of expertise, left me with some very interesting knowledge ̶ I can honestly say that I learnt something from each of my classmates. But beyond this, I now have a group of friends who  ̶   since the first week in Milan and Druogno, where we enjoyed that first outdoor activity to break the ice  ̶  had a very special connection, something that I was able to confirm later during our face-to-face week in Buenos Aires.


2. A cultural understanding

Every final group assignment made me understand that each of us, maybe because of our culture or our field of work, has a different approach, different ways of resolving a situation and of developing a task, and different academic styles, something that at the end seems great to me. Now I feel more open when facing new challenges with different people, and understand that my approach does not always have to be the correct one.


3. Time management and discipline

As I described in a previous article “A typical day like an i-Flex student“, I had some challenging days managing my time between working, studying, running and exercising, spending time with my family and friends, and making the preparations for a wedding. All this made me more disciplined and strategic with regard to how to spend my time ̶ I began planning more and focusing my energies on really important tasks. It really showed me that it is possible to balance one’s personal and work life.


4. Be open to new fields of work and opportunities around the world

Before the MBA, I never used to think about having a life or getting a job in another country, but now my opinion is totally different. The world is so big and there are so many new opportunities and experiences abroad that I also have feel open to getting into new fields and areas of expertise.

This is due to different experiences: first, I had been part of a class with people with 12 different nationalities, living in more than 20 countries and working in some very attractive companies. Second, after visiting such different countries as Italy, Argentina and the USA, with such remarkable differences, I can conclude that there are many things I can do for my country even working in different parts of the world. Now I feel that I am a citizen of the world.


5. Leadership

From my personal experience, I learnt a lot about how to be a real leader, something that sounds pretty good in theory but can be difficult to implement, taking into account the important influence that, as leaders, we can have on our teams and companies. With the tools and constant information we received about the topic, from the lectures at MIP and Buenos Aires, and from the WOBI clips, I can tell that I have been improving and that I have been more consistent about implementing clear, opportune and honest communications. After these 18 months, I can say that in my job I lead a group of 10 people who are both motivated and inspired. This is really gratifying.

Alessandro Alberici

Alessandro Alberici joined the Part-Time MBA program in 2014 at MIP Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business, where he had the opportunity to attend many networking and companies’ events. After attending the EU Operations Pathways program presentation event organized by the Career Office of MIP, he went through the online selection and finally succeeded the on-campus 1-day panel interviews done by Amazon at MIP. After the graduation in summer 2016, Alessandro moved back to France while joining Amazon as Pathways Operation Manager.


What is your role at Amazon and what is your professional background?

I am a Pathways Operations Manager, currently acting as an Area Manager at Montelimar, France. After a double degree in Mechanical/Industrial Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and ENSTA-ParisTech, I studied for a Master’s degree in International Economics at Sorbonne-Paris 1. After completing an EDF graduation project at Accenture, France, I went back to Italy to work at ABB as Global Product Manager for Low Voltage devices. After four years, I moved to Vodafone as Senior Product Manager for B2B software solutions, working with partners such as Microsoft and Google. While working at ABB and then Vodafone, I took an MBA at MIP – Politecnico di Milano Graduate School of Business. After graduating I was recruited for the Pathways programme and moved back to France.


What do you like best about working at Amazon?

One of the Amazon mantras for recruiting new people is to ‘raise the bar’, and this core value is very evident! Everyone around you is bright, extremely talented and engaged in the continuous improvement and success of the company. The workplace is dynamic and challenging: you can see the immediate results of your actions and contributions. Ownership is a reality at Amazon, just as diversity is a true value.


What is the Amazon Pathways programme and what makes it unique?

In my opinion, the Amazon Pathways programme is one of the best MBA graduate programmes available. It is a well-defined three year programme that serves as fast track to senior leadership. It represents a great opportunity to lead big teams in one of the most international organisations in the world. Another strength of the Pathways Programme is that you start small: your time spent at the Amazon Associate Week and tenure as Area Manager are invaluable experiences you will carry with you in your career. As a senior leader at Amazon, you will make strategic decisions that impact upon the lives of thousands of people.


Why did you decide to join the Pathways programme?

I was looking for a position in operations that focused on products and service business logistics, within a growing, multinational company with a strong European presence. There is no better company than Amazon to meet my requirements. More specifically, the Pathways programme provides the opportunity to work in operations, right at the heart of Amazon, and develop you into a senior Amazon leader within a short timeframe.


What does a typical day for a Pathways manager look like?

As a Pathways manager you are assigned to a shift, which means that you have a very large team to manage, and together you fulfill orders, while delivering the best possible customer experience. You also work on capacity and planning in deep cooperation with the Operations Managers. Keywords for a Pathways manager’s day are: safety, quality, customer experience, capacity and productivity.


Amazon corporate values are the leadership principles. What are the two leadership principles essential to the Pathways programme?

Leadership principles are part of everyday life here at Amazon. The two that I find most essential are, ‘Learn and Be Curious’ and ‘Deliver Results’. To learn and be curious expresses the essence of every Amazonian’s first months with the company: you must absorb the huge quantity of notions, systems, tools and guidelines that make the magic work. So this principle is very appropriate for guiding you through this time. Valuable knowledge is everywhere in the company, you just have to adopt a proactive, curious approach to gain the nuggets of wisdom you need.

In addition, ‘Deliver Results’ is key for every Amazon employee, but it is even more relevant for a Pathways manager. You are expected to go fast, understand the business and contribute to it, while delivering data-driven results.


How do the skills and knowledge acquired during your MIP years support you in your Pathways manager job?

Both soft and hard skills are important to succeed as a Pathways manager. The hard skills may vary from core operations competencies, such as transportation, supply chain, capacity planning and execution planning, to advanced enterprise software capabilities. Marketing and sales competencies also help you gain a more complete view of the overall picture, when talking to retail colleagues.

Given the large scale of the teams you have to manage, soft skills are also very relevant, from communication, team building and management, to decision making and crisis management. All the knowledge acquired thanks to curricula courses, seminars and professional presentations, gave me a very wide spectrum of competencies.


What kind of mentorship does Amazon provide to support your success in the Pathways programme?

As Pathways manager you are able to meet top senior managers who follow your progress closely, with regular one-to-one meetings. The level and quality of support they provide for your development is amazing, they meaningfully contribute to your successful growth in the role.

Moreover, as any other Amazon operations manager, you are offered a series of learning opportunity weeks, both at the European headquarters and in the Fulfillment Centers. Finally, a vast catalogue of online training sessions are offered, and they enable you to deep dive and fully investigate a specific subject.


What is the biggest challenge you experienced during your first months at Amazon?

It was 6:00 AM one Saturday morning at my Fulfillment Center. I quickly came to understand the unique set of challenges ahead of myself and my team for that day. At that time, I was the only manager in the Fulfillment Center, with senior management available on-call if needed. Right after our start of shift team meeting, one of the pack lines suddenly stopped working. The maintenance team reacted as quickly as they could, but the issue was a serious one: more than six hours would be required to address the technological difficulty, and the pack line would be out of action for this entire time. Consequently, this would mean one of the operations teams would be not be able to perform their jobs at all.

It was up to me to react rapidly and take all elements of the situation into consideration. I performed relevant data analysis, developed a response plan, adjusted capacity, escalated issues to both management and cross-functional colleagues. Ultimately, together with my close-knit team, we executed our plan of action! We were then able to fulfill all customer orders on time, so the challenge ended up as a success story.


What is your most remarkable achievement at Amazon so far?

I am currently redesigning the layout of one of the areas of my Fulfillment Center: the transshipment area. I’m proud to be carrying out this initiative with valuable input from Amazon Associates. My goal is to further improve the safety of the area, the quality of the processes and employee performance, with the view of achieving concrete benefits for my Fulfillment Center, and other Fulfillment Centers around Europe, further down the line.


If you could go back to your first day with Amazon, what advice would you give to yourself to be successful in the Pathways programme?

Start small. During the first week you attend the Associate Experience Week and work as an Amazon Associate on the main processes. This time is really precious and unique to Amazon, so take the time to learn and be curious about the tasks performed. Don’t be overly eager about moving immediately on to more senior management tasks; they will come soon enough. Instead, be aware that the time spent as an Associate will really help you to become a better manager in the future.


To learn more about the Pahtways programme click here.

Roberto Marani

On the occasion of the Master’s Degree Graduation Ceremony at MIP Politecnico di Milano, Roberto Marani, CEO and Founder at Sorgente Group, Founder and Partner at Milky Way, tells his story.

Could you please introduce yourself, giving us a bit about your background and describing your current business?

Certainly. My name is Roberto Marani and I am 42 years old.  In terms of education, my university degree was in Civil Engineering, but before that, I was a soldier.

Over the years I have changed jobs several times, so actually, change has rather characterised my life.

At the age of 18, I joined the Military Academy. All went well, in that my studies paid off and I was accepted for training, after which I undertook a number of missions abroad in various post-conflict zones.

As an officer, I learned how important it is to inspire respect and trust in the people you are leading in order to get the mission accomplished, so this was a very important phase in my training. However, after ten years, I realised that my learning curve was flattening, I was no longer growing and I needed what I’d call a more informal and meritocratic environment.

So, taking my courage in both hands, I gave up my lifelong tenure and six months after being in Iraq, found myself sitting in an MIP lecture theatre, putting all my efforts into my Master’s degree in Business Administration.

During the MBA, I was completely convinced that my future career would be consolidated by entering a management consulting firm, so I approached the placement office for advice. However, they felt that because I was 30 at that time and had no relevant experience, the top consulting firms would prefer a candidate with more specific skills, such as finance or logistics, or something like that.

This goaded me into action and, after a lot of work on my CV, I managed to land a job  ̶  first at the Boston Consulting Group, followed by another two years later at McKinsey.  After four years in management consultancy, the financial crisis hit and, with the downturn in the market, it was time to look around.

I started dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur and, apart from dreaming, I also started looking around for an idea. This idea came to me by pure chance during a party where I met an old friend, who told me that her sister was having a baby and planning to store the umbilical cord blood stem cells, as these rarely carry any infectious diseases and are half as likely to be rejected as adult stem cells  ̶  they can be used, if necessary, for the future health of the child.

I decided to investigate this subject further, studying the more mature markets, specifically in the USA where this business already exists.

To cut a long story short, after having worked in all kinds of areas apart from healthcare – I’d worked in banking, finance, the public sector, logistics – I founded the company in the only industry in which I had no experience whatsoever – healthcare!

So – I founded my start-up, working from home, starting from scratch once again with a new adventure.

I founded Sorgente in 2009 and now, after 8 years, it is a group of three companies with a revenue this year of 6 million euros. It is still a small group but has grown 30% compared with last year and we have the vision of becoming an important player in the healthcare industry in Italy in the next few years.

How did the MBA help you in this challenge, especially at Sorgente?

The MBA gave me the basic knowledge to be able to build on my management skills because, with my military background, I was totally lacking in any knowledge about business, economics, planning, business strategy, and so on – all those tools an entrepreneur needs in order to run a company.  So actually, MIP was essential for me, it was a unique educational experience enabling me to build up my skill set, leading firstly to a position as a consultant and then to becoming an entrepreneur.

Furthermore, MIP gave me the opportunity to develop a network. I learned to appreciate how important a network is in life, both for improving my social and teamworking skills, and also sometimes for putting me into stressful situations. I had, of course, dealt with many stressful situations in the army before  ̶  but this was very different! I had to learn how to manage stress in a civilian and management context and this was another important thing that MIP gave me.

Can you tell us a key moment you recall from your MBA journey? A special moment?

Yes, there are quite a few special moments which I can recall from my MBA journey, but one of the best for sure was doing the outdoor training.

The training took place up in the mountains at an altitude of 3,000 metres and centred how to react and what to do in the case of an avalanche. This helped us to develop our teamwork capabilities and to learn how to deal with a stressful situation. Besides that, of course, there were the benefits of being out in nature, enjoying the beautiful environment.

From a different perspective, another very important moment was when I attended the Boston Consulting Group’s presentation during the final phase of the MBA, when companies came to present themselves.  I felt very emotional hearing  directly from the company about their vision, their values, what they were doing and what kinds of people they were looking for  ̶  in fact, it was just like falling in love with this company, so that’s why I did everything in my power to get taken on by BCG.

Can you give any advice to our growing leaders?

Well, sure – the advice I would give to graduate students is to do what I have tried to do all my life – be ready to manage change in your life. Plan for it, take all the opportunities which life has to offer  ̶  maybe try to avoid taking the most obvious path, but aim to think creatively about doing what really matters to you and working with people you care about.

Also, pay great attention to building on your leadership capabilities, as they are fundamental today and never, never stop growing at a professional level, keep investing in yourself. The Master should only be a phase in your growth  ̶  I believe that you should learn something new every day and continue to grow your capabilities.

Finally, on a personal level, be ethical in your approach to people  ̶  this makes you a better person, as well as a better leader.

Matteo Castagno

Stuck in a rut? Feeling blocked? There’s no need to think that your current position is your destiny, as one student at MIP Politecnico di Milano was to discover.
An International Full Time MBA at MIP helped Matteo Castagno land a great job as a business analyst in a food & beverage company… and now he is only too happy that he took the plunge and made the switch from one industry to another.
Like many who fear being pigeonholed, Matteo understood that it was unlikely that he would be able to move out of his IT specialism without filling the gaps in his knowledge.

“During the MBA,” says Matteo, “I learned new business concepts and I studied in depth how different businesses are managed and their best practices. This allowed me to gather my thoughts about the development of my own career.”

Matteo further explains: “MIP’s industry links were crucial when I was looking for project work”. He found a position at Moncler, “currently the most prominent company in the Italian luxury sector”. After graduating, he went on to a job at Whirlpool and from there to his current position. “Without the placement service of the school I wouldn’t have had the chance to enter these specific sectors”.

The realisation that he wanted to make the change came about because of a trip to Silicon Valley, where he had the chance to meet the founder of Logitech, visit companies such as IBM and Google and talk to top venture capitalists. It was an opportunity for the group of students to see the reality of what they had been studying and immerse themselves in the whole culture of innovation.

Matteo’s inkling that he was missing some key skills, both hard and soft, turned out to the right one and the MBA plugged the gaps in his knowledge, opening up many new options for his future career path. He chose MIP Politecnico di Milano “because of the innovative way the MBA is structured, in particular concerning the boot-camp aspect…” Students are given the chance to attend a wide range of courses held by top companies, thus providing them with the opportunity to see the culture of these businesses at first hand and to experience different fields of application.

In conclusion ̶ don’t let self-limiting beliefs prevail. An MBA at MIP makes it possible for you to get out of your box and venture into a wider world. The whole MIP experience ̶ not just the course but colleagues from all over the world, the international Faculty and the many opportunities to travel and explore different aspects of business and other cultures ̶ all these factors will help your ideas to coalesce so that you can set out into a bright new future.
In Matteo’s own words: “Go for it!”

Read the full interview here.

CleanTech Challenge Italy, new edition ready to go

For the seventh consecutive year, MIP is the Business School, with exclusivity for Italy, appointed to organise the CleanTech Challenge Italy, the Italian stage of this international competition dedicated to the world of green and clean technologies overseen by the London Business School (LBS) and University College London (UCL).

Apart from the Italian chapter headed by MIP Politecnico di Milano, the international competition consists of several national rounds organised, among others, by INSEAD for France and Vlerick Business School for Belgium.

The challenge is to develop innovative ideas for clean technology, from the design stage to obtaining the funding to realise the project.

The deadline for students to present their ideas is 11 March 2018. The finalists’ projects will be presented at MIP’s main building on the 23 and 24 March 2018.

Further information and the competition’s regulations are available at www.cleantechitaly.com.

At the end of the Italian round, the winning team will receive € 5,000 provided by the Gianluca Spina Association, a not-for-profit association created for the advancement of the innovative educational projects championed by MIP’s past president and dean, who died prematurely in 2015.

The winners will also represent Italy at the CleanTech Challenge finals, held at London Business School on 26 and 27 April 2018, where the prize is £ 10,000.