

Despite this difficult period, at MIP we work every day to allow students to continue to rely on us. Through this web page we will share advice, suggestions, articles and live webinars, specific contents and in-depth analyses for our candidates.

Because, even in a situation like this, we must “Keep on learning”.


Smart working in situazioni di emergenza: istruzioni per l'uso (watch the video - in Italian)

Webinar by Prof. Mariano Corso

Il Coronavirus: un vero game changer per l’Italia e l’Europa (watch the video - italian)

Webinar by Prof. Giuliano Noci

Il momento per pensare out of the box (watch the video - in italian)

Webinar by Prof. Luciano Traquandi.

Smart Working e Coronavirus: come utilizzarlo per affrontare l’emergenza e cosa fare dopo (watch the video - in italian)

Webinar by prof. Mariano Corso

Global Economic Consequences of the COVID-19 (watch the video - in english)

Webinar by prof. Fabio Sdogati.

Building Leadership Mindset at Corona Time (video available soon)

Webinar  with Sabrina Colombo, Alumna EMBA, ICF PCC Business Coach - Entrepreneur & Researcher & Josip Kotlar, Associate Professor of Strategy & Family Business

Rischi pandemici e impatti su mercati e istituzioni finanziarie (watch the video - in Italian)

09/04/2020 H17.00 - webinar by Prof. Marco Giorgino

Download the slides of the event.

Scenari emergenti e nuovi contesti del mondo post Covid-19 (watch the video - in Italian)

22/04/2020 H18.00 - Scenari emergenti e nuovi contesti del mondo post Covid-19.

Il webinar con Giovanni Azzone, professore di Impresa e decisioni strategiche e già Rettore del Politecnico di Milano, Giuliano Noci, professore di Strategy & Marketing, Prorettore del Polo territoriale cinese del Politecnico di Milano, Fabio Pammolli, professore di Finance and Management of Infrastructure Investment e Fabio Sdogati, professore di Economia Internazionale. L’emergenza sanitaria causata da Covid-19 ridisegnerà il sistema economico, delle relazioni internazionali, delle istituzioni, della società civile e dei comportamenti individuali. Una sfida epocale di riconfigurazione dell’ordine costituito, che deve essere opportunamente definita e qualificata, per prepararsi a individuare soluzioni funzionali di sviluppo e ripresa. Quale può essere il nostro new deal?

The COVID-19 emergency and its impact on SMEs: financial issues and support

08/05/2020 h 6.30 pm - Webinar by Giancarlo Giudici, Associate Professor of Corporate Finance

The COVID-19 lockdown caused a huge anxiety to all Italian companies for a number of reasons: loss of revenues and orders, missing paymenys from customers and liquidity shortage, outbreaks in the supply of raw materials. It is very difficult for SMEs to survive for long time (for few months) in such circumstances  because of higher levels of vulnerability. While the first concern is related to guarantee public health, it is clear that the impact this emergency will have on manufacturing and on small and medium enterprises is huge. The seminar will analyze all the financial instruments that might be implemented to foster SME resilience.

Supply Chain Resilience – before and after C19

22/05/2020 H18.30 - Supply Chain Resilience – before and after C19 con Jim Rice.

The current pandemic has surfaced a number of new challenges, ones not seen so expansively and broadly in the past 100 years.  This briefing will review supply chain resilience today and into the future, reflecting on what is different and likely to be different for practitioners and their processes – including S&OP and investing in resilience.  A disruption profile for C19 will be shared and used to discuss supply chain resilience.

Startup: investment, exit and international expansion. Some legal and tax insights

05/06/2020 H18.30 -  Startup: investment, exit and international expansion. Some legal and tax insights.

19/06/2020 - Large corporates: Investments and collaborations with innovative companies

19/06/2020 H18.30  - Large corporates: Investments and collaborations with innovative companies con Matteo Fabiano e Flavio Notari.

A breve saranno aperte le iscrizioni.


Will Covid-19 change China’s economic DNA? (Politecnico di Milano del prof.Giuliano Noci)

Smart Learning in times of Coronavirus emergency … and beyond (Politecnico di Milano Dean MIP Federico Frattini)

QS Online MBA Rankings 2020: MIP Politecnico di Milano 5th in the world for its “International Flex EMBA” (Politecnico di Milano)

The global crisis since Covid-19 and the repercussions on international trade and global value chains (Politecnico di Milano della prof.ssa Lucia Tajoli)

Financial Times Executive Education Rankings 2020 (Politecnico di Milano)

It is never too late to pick ourselves up. It is never too early to prepare. (Politecnico di Milano del prof. Paolo Trucco)

Free access to a range of essential textbooks from all disciplines (Springer Nature)

Coronavirus COVID-19 (Coronavirus.gov)

New Behaviors to Embrace During the Covid 19 Period (Kilpatrick)

Leading Through a global pandemic (Harvard)

Lo Smart Working ai tempi del Coronavirus (Politecnico di Milano Prof. Mariano Corso)

Il Covid-19 cambierà il DNA del sistema Cina? (Politecnico di Milano Prof. Giuliano Noci)

COVID-19: il “test acido” di resilienza delle supply chain globali (Politecnico di Milano Prof. Paolo Trucco)

Smart Learning al tempo dell’emergenza Coronavirus … e oltre (Politecnico di Milano Dean MIP Federico Frattini)

Restando a casa. I consigli di Repubblica (La Repubblica)

How Business Schools Are Battling Coronavirus (AACSB)

A Complete List Of Coronavirus Measures At The Top 50 B-Schools (Poetsquants)

IE University responds to coronavirus with online expertise (IE University)

Coronavirus Is Shutting Schools. Is America Ready for Virtual Learning? (New York Times)

Five Inventive Things B-School Students Can Do While Social Distancing (TOPMBA)

A Guide for Working (From Home) Parents (Harvard)

Coronavirus: Haas, Stanford, Other Top Schools Move Online (Poetsquants)

How Companies Can Respond to the Coronavirus (MITSloan Management Review)

What It Takes to Run a Great Virtual Meeting (Harvard)


The value of working remotely (Linkedin Learning)

10 Free LinkedIn Learning Courses That’ll Make You a Better Professional
(Linkedin Learning)

HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing in a Downturn (Harvard Business Review)

Take student learning online in response to coronavirus (Coursera)

Tutti i corsi online Coursera gratis per gli italiani fino a settembre

Here are 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free (Freecodecamp)

How we can face the future without fear, together (TED)

COVID-19 Virtual Summit (Singularity University)

Positive Psychology: Resilience Skills (Coursera)

Build personal resilience (Coursera)

Becoming a Resilient Person – The Science of Stress Management (Edx org)

Scholastic is offering free online courses so your kids… (CNN)

How to grow a liquid organization… (Copernico)

Con Babbel pass la paura, impara una lingua gratis… (Babbel)

The value of working remotely (Linkedin Learning)

Time Management: Working from Home (Linkedin Learning)

Be a strong teammate (Linkedin Learning)

Gaining a productive mindset (Linkedin Learning)

Remote workers are the future of business (Linkedin Learning)

Balancing Work and Life (Linkedin Learning)

Thriving @ Work: Leveraging the Connection between…(Linkedin Learning)

Managing Stress for Positive Change (Linkedin Learning)

How failure cultivates resilience (Ted Talks)

What we do (and don’t) know about the coronavirus (Ted Talks)

How we can face the future without fear, together (Ted Talks)

Remote Working: Setting Yourself and Your Teams Up… (Linkedin Learning)


MIP Business Game

The Business Game is the online game which MIP Politecnico di Milano has decided to offer to all students currently engaged in our Master programs, so that you can continue to be challenged and engaged in joint collaboration, even from a distance.
You can choose between two games: one focused on soft skills and one on hard skills, competing in teams in an exciting cross-classroom and cross-master competition.
So what's on offer? An incredible networking opportunity, the ability to work together in teams on compelling challenges, even if remotely, the hands-on learning of skills and knowledge that will enrich your CV, and, lastly and a fantastic final prize.

Please note that this Business Game is dedicated to current students.

Digital Buddies

Are you a MIP candidate looking for an advice from a colleague on how to deal with this particular situation? Get in touch with our Digital Buddies at disposal for all MIP mates to discuss about the situation and support their fellows in this difficult period.

Master Studente Mail
FINTECH-1 Lorenzo D'Auria Lorenzo.dauria@mip.polimi.it
GEMOS-6 Ivan Cianci ivan.cianci@mip.polimi.it
BABD4 Riccardo Affranchi Riccardo.Affranchi@mip.polimi.it
GMIM1 Jairo Duran Jairo.Duran@mip.polimi.it
IM4-5 Marta Vitrò marta.vitro@mip.polimi.it
IMBAPT 2019 Ana Antolic Mezin Ana.Mezin@mip.polimi.it
IMBAPT 2019 Angelo Rotolo angelo.rotolo@mip.polimi.it
IMBAFT2019 Francesca Maggi francesca.maggi@mip.polimi.it
GEMOS 2019 Beatrice Skoog Beatrice.Skoog@mip.polimi.it
IMBAPT 2018 Carlotta Maria Manzoni carlotta.Manzoni@mip.polimi.it
IMBAFT2019 Samantha Williams Samantha.Williams@mip.polimi.it
IMBAFT2019 Lili Song Lili.Song@mip.polimi.it
IMBAFT2019 Amrit Pal Singh Avtar Singh Gill Amrit.Gill@mip.polimi.it
IMBAFT2019 Clara Taraves Clara.Tavares@mip.polimi.it 


Covid - 19 Impact: Q&A ISO4You

Download the slides of the event.

30/03/2020 – COVID-19 Updates – ISO4You

The International Students Office meets our students community to share updated information on containment measures, recommendations, emergency numbers and resources, and FAQ. Our special guest is Prof. Antonella Moretto, Associate Dean for Open Programs, who will answer all of your questions about your studies.

Discover more here.

06/04/2020 - COVID-19 Updates – ISO4You

Download the slides of the event.

The International Students Office meets our students community around the COVID-19 topic. On this occasion, we will discuss how to approach rental disputes with a special guest, the President of the Tenants Union.

COVID-19 Updates – ISO4You

15/04/2020  - COVID-19 Updates – ISO4You


What has changed after April 13th? We will look at what’s new. We will also present the guidelines shared by the Tenants’ Union on rental issues, and take this chance to answer any questions that you may have on this or other topics.

Download the slides of the event.

How to find clarity and manage anxiety during the COVID-19 crisis

27/04/2020 H18.00 - How to find clarity and manage anxiety during the COVID-19 crisis with James R. Elliot, International Trainer on Human Performance and Motivational Speaker. Also, the new Presidential decree on COVID-19’s containment measures, valid from May 4th, is presented.

The International Students Office meets our students community to share updated information on containment measures, recommendations, emergency numbers and resources, You will have the chance to pose your questions and suggest topics for our next meeting.

Download the slides of the event.


Click here to download the brochure.

11/05/2020 - ISO Desk

11/05/2020 H12:15 - ISO Desk

Come and visit us in our virtual office to ask all of your questions about your permit, visa, residency, bureaucratic procedures, Italian classes. Prepare your questions and join us. We will also update you on COVID-19 containment measures.

Download the slides of the event.

05/06/2020 - COVID-19 Updates and ISO Desk

Webinar con le professoresse Sara Cuko, Xixi Fan e Alice Beltrami.


Is the lockdown close to an end? What has changed since June 3rd? Join us for updates on phase 2 of the COVID-19 lockdown, and to ask your questions about your permit, visa, residency, bureaucratic procedures and more.

Download the slides of the event.

06/07/2020 - COVID-19 Updates and ISO Desk

06/07/2020 H12:00 – COVID-19 Updates and ISO Desk

The EU has reopened its external borders to a few countries. Join us for updates on travelling restrictions, and to ask your questions about your permit, visa, residency, bureaucratic procedures and more.

Download the slides of the event.


Google Arts & Culture (Google)

On coronavirus lockdown? The top online museum and art tours to enjoy from home (The Art Newspaper)

Galleries (The British Museum)

Pinacoteca di Brera

Petite Galerie (Louvre Museum)

Cineteca Milano

Gran Virtual Tour (MiBAC- Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali )


Information and Emergency telephone numbers
  • 1500: this number of the Ministry of Health is for general information on governmental provisions, recommendations on how to protect yourself, transmissions modes, virus incubation, symptoms, how covid-19 spreads, general information about symptoms, when isolation or quarantine become necessary
  • 800.894.545: this is the Lombardy Region Covid19 dedicated number for health related queries. You can call this number for a pre-assessment on your symptoms if you have doubts you have been infected, but are still well; you must call this number if you learn you have been in contact with someone who is now positive to the Covid-19. The operator will ask you several questions and will guide you about any next steps to take. Ask to speak with an English speaking operator: “Parla inglese?”
  • 112: this is the emergency number. You call this number if you need immediate assistance and to call an ambulance.
  • Call your GP, if you have one. Do not visit their ward, but call.
  • Call Milan’s after hour on-call doctor at 800 193 344
Stay up to date

From June 3rd, all restrictions on movements inside Italy have been lifted. In their stead, the government is promoting the use of a new phone App called "Immuni".

Immuni is the exposure notification App of the Italian government, developed by the Extraordinary Commissioner for the COVID-19 Emergency, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Innovation Technology and Digitalization. Its purpose is to notify users at risk of carrying the virus as early as possible, in order to minimize its spread. To learn more, visit Immuni's official website at https://www.immuni.italia.it/.
While downloading the App is not mandatory, its use is strongly recommended by the Italian government, as every single user increases its overall effectiveness.

You can keep informed by referring to the following websites:

Lombardy Region website on Covid-19

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Travelling regulations in Italy

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Information from Embassies and Consulates

Ministry of Health: Information for travellers

Ministry of Health FAQ

Civil Protection Department Press

Civil Protection Department Activities

ANSA: Updates on Covid-19 in Italy

World Health Organization


Data4Covid19 is a non-profit project created by our Alumnus Marco Farina with the aim of making people aware of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus within many countries through the use of data.